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Criminal Justice & Law

805 title(s) found.

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Presenting Reports and Opinions: Expert Evidence Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0068

This video canvasses the elements that must comprise effective presentation of reports and opinions...

Pride and Prejudice: W5


Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the son and grandson of George Dixon, who served with pride during World...

Printemps Éternel

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD169FR

Grâce à une combinaison d’images contemporaines et d’animations inspirées des illustrations...

Prison Series 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1336

** Contains course language** For the first time in more than five years, cameras have been...

Prison Series 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1340

**Contains course language** Foston Hall is a Closed Female prison, which was originally the...

Prisoner 14000 - The Suzana Thayer Story: W5


A Canadian grandmother was duped twice in a romance scam and then turned into an unsuspecting drug...

Prisoner in Paradise: W5


Avery Haines shares the story of Crystal and Vanden earle, two Canadians struggling to bring their...

Produire La Menace

Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI01FR

Produire la menace examine un épisode profondément troublant de l'histoire du Canada lorsqu'un...

Profound Lessons from Indigenous Law: John Borrows - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0011

John Borrows is one of Canada's most prolific and celebrated legal scholars and a professor of law...

Project Bumper: W5


A hidden camera investigation has revealed auto body employees apparently damaging vehicles on...

Protect Our Future Daughters: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0020EN

Protect Our Future Daughters is a short docu-drama about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women...

Protecting its Own (W5)


In March, 2008, W-FIVE aired "Right to Know" -- an investigation into medical secrecy and the case...

Protecting Our Children: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0706

Of the 30,000 children in ministry care across Canada, half are Aboriginal. Most of these children...

Psychedelic Healing: W5


W5's Avery Haines speaks to a Canadian veteran about how a drug that's popular in club and rave...

Puglaas - Jody Wilson-Raybould Rethinks Her Future: W5


W5’s Sandie Rinaldo gives us a glimpse into the private life of Jody Wilson-Raybould, a...

Pull the Plug: Life or Death - Who Gets to Decide? W5


Many of us plan ahead for our last days, making wills to give loved ones directions on our final...

Punch 9 for Harold Washington

Video Project, Inc. TVP119

Barack Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, in part, because of a man he'd never met: Harold Washington...

Putin's Pals: W5


Russian oligarchs gained immense wealth when the Soviet Union fell, and state-run industries were...

Putin: The New Tsar

Blue Ant Media BAM1381

Admired by former President Donald Trump and feared by his rivals, Putin: The New Tsar is an...

Putting Argentina's Right to a Healthy Environment to the Test -...

Paper Tiger PT0076

This episode of The Green Interview features Daniel Sallaberry, the lawyer behind the "Mendoza...

Qatar's World Cup: W5


The World Cup in Qatar has sparked soccer – and nonsoccer– conversations around the world...

Quand l'amour rend aveugle II

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S01

Si on le décrit souvent comme la plus belle expérience de la vie, le sentiment amoureux possède...

Questionable Care: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo reveals how horrific stories of neglect at long-term care homes have led to...

Rachel Parent: GMO Crusader - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0003

This episode of The Green Interview features a 16-year old Canadian, Rachel Parent, who has made a...

Raiders and the Lost Art: W5


CTV W5 investigates Canada’s largest art heist, 50 years after thieves snatched masterpieces from...

Railroaded: W5


Glen Assoun was convicted and sent to prison for a crime he has maintained for over two decades he...

Range Rider

Wild Confluence Media WCM007

As wolves repopulate Washington State, conflict is heating up with rural ranching communities...

RCMP Coast to Coast: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0704

Female Aboriginal RCMP officers from BC’s Fraser Valley and Halifax Nova Scotia, share stories of...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754

RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...

ré:INSTALLATION: Voici comment les collectivités déracinées...

Sound Venture SVPF70

La série documentaire ré:INSTALLATION relate des histoires fascinantes sur le plan social, des...

Reclaiming Argentina's Riachuelo River: Marina Aizen - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0087

This episode of the Green Interview features Marina Aizen, one of Argentina's most distinguished...

Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect: When Boundaries are...

Learning Seed 200303

Neglect occurs when a child's physical, educational, and medical needs are not met. Hear from...

Recognizing and Preventing Emotional Child Abuse: When...

Learning Seed 200302

Learn the six most common types of emotional abuse: rejecting, terrorizing, isolating, ignoring...

Recognizing and Preventing Physical Child Abuse: When Boundaries...

Learning Seed 200301

What constitutes physical child abuse, and why does it happen? What are the effects, and how can it...

Recognizing the rights of mother nature: Natalia Greene - The...

Paper Tiger PT0096

This episode of The Green Interview features Ecuador's Natalia Greene, a key figure in the...

Reconciliation Begins with You and Me

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC000

Reconciliation Begins with You and Me: Young people need to have an active role in reconciliation...

Red Flagged: W5


Wanda Young's goal to become a social worker was stopped in its tracks by Memorial University in...

Reframe: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0019

Kris joins Brandon Oolayou, Inuk from Frobisher Bay, on a seal hunt and Nellie Kusugak...

Réfugiés: un marché sous influence

Phares & Balises F196-022

Pour la grande majorité d’entre nous, les camps de réfugiés répondent à une situation...

Reimagine: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0018

Kris takes part in a Wampum Belt and Treaty Teaching Workshop with Artist Brenda Lee and...

Relationship 101: The Lie Detective Series

Reel Girls Media REEL22

Ken and Lesley move into a bigger office to accommodate their booming business. Enter young couple...

Relighting the Streets: A Study of Situational Crime Prevention

Shortcutstv Ltd STV028

Does situational crime prevention actually work, or is crime simply displaced to a neighbouring...

Rencontre avec mon agresseur

416 Productions F196-037

Décembre 2017. Une femme, victime d’un viol par un inconnu dans son enfance, se retrouve à...

Replacing the 'Suicide Economy': David Korten - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0033

Interview with David Korten, an economist, author, activist, and prominent critic of corporate...

Residential Schools - Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI086

Indian Residential Schools are a part of our shared history in Canada. Prior to European contact...

Residential Schools: Truth & Reconciliation in Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI083

Indian Residential Schools are a part of our shared history in Canada. Prior to European contact...

Resistance - Treaty 6: Treaty Road Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0753

Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq delve into Treaty 6 which covers much of central Alberta and...

Resistance: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 11

Farpoint Films FAR032

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet’s journey takes him all the way to Alcatraz Island to learn about the...



The meat industry enlists a large number of living beings in standardization and mass production...

Respire: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 5

7059213 Canada Inc. 310079FR

Trame du passé : Les lettres de Kiwedin ne suffisent plus à atténuer les peines de Wabikoni...

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