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McIntyre Media Inc.

92 title(s) found.

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An Introduction to First Nations Culture and Traditions

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI084

Before early European settlers arrived in what is Canada today, there were already many Indigenous...

An Overview of Residential Schools in Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI085

First Nations people have lived in this country for many thousands of years. They were here long...

An Overview of Residential Schools in Canada (Elementary Version)

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI082

First Nations people have lived in this country for many thousands of years. They were here long...

Can-Core Academic Video - Subscriber Quick Tips

McIntyre Media Inc. COREAVSUB

Designed for Canadian college and university faculty & students, CAN-CORE AV is an excellent source...

Can-Core Academic Video Quick Tips Tutorial

McIntyre Media Inc. COREAV1

Designed for Canadian college and university faculty & students, CAN-CORE AV is an excellent source...

Canada's 23rd Prime Minister: An Introduction to Justin Trudeau

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI088

Justin Trudeau was elected Canada's 23rd Prime Minister on October 19th 2015. He is the eldest...

Canada's Links to the World - Canada and Its Trading Partners

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI030

In today's world, countries around the world are linked together in many different ways - through...

Canadian Holidays, Traditions and Celebrations

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI013

In this program, we focus on the holidays, celebrations and traditions that are linked to the first...

Canadian Social Studies Playlist (8 Programs)

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI031PL

A wonderful collection of Canadian-produced programs for your elementary students.  Programs...

Community Character: Rules and Responsibilities

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI058

As a citizen of a community, we all have rights and responsibilities. In this program, students...

Community Origins: Features & Development of Early Canadian...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI001

Our young hosts come across some interesting artifacts while cleaning out the attic. Their...

Community Traditions and Celebrations: Past & Present

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI075

Canada is a land made up of people from all over the world. As a result, many different traditions...

CORE Video Streaming Platform

McIntyre Media Inc. CORE101

Whether you are learning/teaching from home or in the school classroom, McIntyre Media is pleased...

Discovering Canada - Our Early Explorers

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI036

Early explorers and navigators expanded the influence of their empires as they ventured across...

Don't Take the Fall; Working from Heights: Workplace Safety

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI081

Falls from heights and same-level falls can happen anywhere, at any time. Whether falling from a...

Earth Day Playlist (4 Programs)

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI705PL

This Canadian-produced playlist offers an excellent history of Earth Day plus loads of ideas for...

Earth Day: How Can I Help?

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI067

In 1963, Senator Gaylord Nelson from the United States began to worry about our planet. He noted...

Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI008

This Canadian production gives you information about what each of the arcs in the rainbow...

Fall Safety

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI055

Fall brings about thoughts of "back to school", Halloween, changing colours, and harvesting in...

Forces Acting on Structures: Plankton and Tube's Amazing Science...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI048

Structures are all around us. Everywhere we go; everywhere we look. They come in all shapes and...

Germs Away! The ABCs of Hand Washing

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI028

Hands spread 80% of common infectious diseases like colds and flu. So how can we prevent this? It's...

Getting To School Safely

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI002

There are all kinds of ways that children get to school. Some take a school bus, some walk, ride...

Growth and Changes in Animals

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI101

Growth and Changes in Animals focuses on investigating the distinct characteristics of animals...

Growth and Changes in Plants

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI102

Growth and Changes in Plants focuses on the characteristics and requirement of plants and the ways...

Growth and Changes Series

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI100

This new series from McIntyre Media will give your elementary students an excellent overview of the...

Halloween Playlist

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI709

Children love Halloween, but it's more than just going door-to-door collecting treats. Teach...

Halloween: It's More Than Tricks and Treats

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI072

Explore the history and science of Halloween with this new Canadian production! Ghosts. Goblins...

Hand Washing Essentials Series

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI077

At this time of uncertainty regarding the spread of germs snd viruses, schools play a valuable role...

iCare Series

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI032

This 3-part series examines environmental and ecological initiatives undertaken by Canadian schools...

iCare: Program 1 - iGreen

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI033

The urbanization and deforestation of North America has led to the development of concrete jungles...

iCare: Program 2 - iConserve

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI034

Canada is one of the highest energy consuming nations in the world! Much of the energy we use is...

iCare: Program 3 - iReduce

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI035

We produce a LOT of garbage in one year - in fact, Canadians are one of the world's highest...

Important People in My Community

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI000

Important People in My Community opens with a pictorial review of some typical Canadian...

Kindergarten, Here I Come!

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI068

Kindergarten is an exciting new journey for little ones. It's a huge milestone for both children...

Let's Learn About Confederation and the Canadian Constitution -...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI040

Beginning with Canada's aboriginal peoples, students examine the key events and people that led to...

Let's Learn About Government In Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI039

This new, Canadian-produced series is a must-have for your classrooms and libraries! Tailor-made to...

Let's Learn About Local and Provincial/Territorial Governments...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI041

A tornado has wreaked havoc on a small Canadian town. With the help of their teacher, Ms. Murphy...

Let's Learn About Our Federal Government: Our Laws and Rights

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI042

Continuing with our natural disaster theme, the federal agency Environment Canada is developing a...

Let's Learn About the Electoral Process - Votes Count (Secondary...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI043_Secondary

Why vote? What does it mean? Our hosts learn why voting is so important and why it is the right...

Let's Learn About The Electoral Process: Votes Count

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI043

Why vote? What does it mean? Our hosts learn why voting is so important and why it is the right and...

Living with Alzheimer's

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI078

Alzheimer's is a disease of the brain. The most common form of dementia, Alzheimer's disease...

Loonies, Toonies, Credit and Debit: Financial Literacy for...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI051

In this financial literacy program, a concerned teacher stages a financial intervention for some of...

Making Informed Decisions: Workplace Safety for Young Workers

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI080

Workplace experience is a much needed and rewarding situation for students. With the opportunities...

Making Sense of Your Cents: Financial Literacy for Elementary...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI057

Introduce your younger students to money and financial literacy! From a field trip in a Dollar...

Malala; The Power of One Voice

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI076

An assassination attempt was not enough to curtail the human-rights work of teenage activist Malala...

Materials and Objects: Plankton and Tube's Amazing Science...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI046

Have you ever seen a professional baseball player hit a homerun with a bat made of glass or a...

Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI090

Violence against women is a significant issue in society.  According to the World Health...

National Symbols and 1 Province/Territory DVD

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI010

A recent poll by Ipsos Reid - the largest of its kind ever undertaken - found that although there...

National Symbols of Canada

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI011

Every country has its own set of unique symbols. These establish an identity that sets the country...

National, Provincial & Territorial Symbols of Canada Kit

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI009

A recent poll by Ipsos Reid - the largest of its kind ever undertaken - found that although there...

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