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McIntyre Playlists View Demo Playlist

What Is A Playlist?

Use the McIntyre Playlist feature to select content from our large catalogue for streaming directly to your school or organization. We remove the need for you to manage expensive media servers and infrastructure. Content in a McIntyre Playlist can be added to your library catalogue for use at any time from any place. A Playlist can be a single program on your own unique web page or it can contain multiple programs. Playlists can also be grouped together and organized by a subject or topic.

Let us handle the headaches and upgrades while you provide the content your students and teachers require. Build a McIntyre Playlist and see how easy it is to deliver content!

Playlist Features

  • Chapters (where available) with searchable descriptions.
  • Unique URLs per title which can be integrated into your catalogue for easy access.
  • Mobile device friendly!
  • Flexible terms. For some programs we offer yearly, three year or five year terms.
  • Look for seasonal specials (e.g. two months unlimited access to our Remembrance Day playlist for a special price)

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