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About Us

About McIntyre Media:

McIntyre Media was founded in 1965 and continues its role as one of the most highly respected companies in the educational and instructional media market in Canada. Our collection of fantastic programs from our award winning producers continues to grow each and every year. Recently we have expanded our repertoire to include our own productions. These now number over 60 and have been produced specifically for the Canadian educational market. We also work with some fantastic Canadian filmmakers to create content to fill many of the curriculum gaps. 

We are also adapting and changing to meet the needs of our various customers as technology and delivery methods change. McIntyre Media is proud to be the exclusive Canadian representative for digital content from the Films Media Group and the Films on Demand digital delivery platform. We can also offer custom digital hosting options and have been named by the British Columbia Electronic Library Network as the hosting provicer for post secondary institutions in that province. See our home page for details of our various products and services.

Thank you to our customers and producers for supporting us over the many years and we look forward to working with you for many years to come!

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