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Sound Venture

26 title(s) found.

A Nation Soars: Commemorating Canada's Great War Flyers

Sound Venture SVP028

A Nation Soars is a trilogy of documentaries narrated by Dan Aykroyd that explore how aviation...

Africville: ré:INSTALLATION - Voici comment les collectivités...

Sound Venture SVPF71

Africville trace le portrait intimiste d’un peuple dont l’esprit combatif et la résilience...

Africville: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight to...

Sound Venture SVP501

In Africville, its troubled past and the turbulent present dynamically coalesce to spotlight a...

Becoming Canadian: Citizens’ Stories

Sound Venture SVP505

A vivid portrait of a nation in transition. A film by Sun-Kyung Yi BECOMING CANADIAN: Citizens...

Canvas of Conflict: Art of the Great War

Sound Venture SVP402

Art deals with creation; war deals with destruction. 'Canvas of Conflict' deals with this...

Canvas of War

Sound Venture SVP403

This is the story of World War Two as seen through the eyes of Canadian war artists such as Alex...

Des cartes gagnantes

Sound Venture SVP032

Dans ce premier documentaire, le narrateur Bernard Voyer raconte comment la photographie aérienne...

Drawn to Victory: A Nation Soars Series

Sound Venture SVP029

Tells the story of how aerial photography (with some clever Canadian innovations) led to the...

Histoires de courage

Sound Venture SVP400

La vie d'un pilote stagiaire Canadien - Le Royal Flying Corps établit le premier programme de...

Japanese Internment: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight...

Sound Venture SVP503

The story of Japanese-Canadians interned and relocated during WW2 as told through the eyes of one...

L'Essor d'une Nation: Commemorons Nos Aviateurs Canadiens de La...

Sound Venture SVP031

L'essor d'une nation est une trilogie de documentaires avec la narration de Bernard Voyer et d'un...

L'internement des Canadiens d'origine japonaise pendant la...

Sound Venture SVPF73

Quatre générations d’une famille de Canadiens d’origine japonaise racontent leur internement...

Les ailes du courage

Sound Venture SVP033

L'aviation a connu des progrès techniques et tactiques fulgurants pendant la Première Guerre...

Les Métis de l’Alberta: ré:INSTALLATION - Voici comment les...

Sound Venture SVPF72

Les Métis de l’Alberta trace le portrait d’une famille issue de plusieurs générations de...

Les villages perdus de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent...

Sound Venture SVPF74

La construction de la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent a déraciné des milliers de personnes. Les...

L’influenza démasquée

Sound Venture SVPF482

À l’occasion du centenaire de la grippe espagnole de 1918, le documentaire L’influenza...

ré:INSTALLATION: Voici comment les collectivités déracinées...

Sound Venture SVPF70

La série documentaire ré:INSTALLATION relate des histoires fascinantes sur le plan social, des...

re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight to Survive Series

Sound Venture SVP500

The re:LOCATION documentary series is a collection of compelling, socially relevant stories that...

Stories of Courage

Sound Venture SVP399

Learn about stories of courage from those who lived and died in the World Wars that shaped our...

The Howdytoons Collection of Songs

Sound Venture SVP448

Rock’N’Rainbow is a Toronto based glam-rock band making music aimed at children ages 4 to 7...

The Lost Villages of the St. Lawrence Seaway: re:LOCATION: How...

Sound Venture SVP504

The last living survivors of the thousands who were uprooted by the St. Lawrence Seaway come...

The Métis of Alberta: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities...

Sound Venture SVP502

In 2019, after more than 90 years of perseverance and struggle, the Métis Government Recognition...

Unmasking Influenza

Sound Venture SVP482

This dynamic story juxtaposes historical events with contemporary solutions. It is drawn from a...

Vimy: Flight Path of Heroes: A Nation Soars Series

Sound Venture SVP397

The past and present come together during a flying celebratory road show that spans two nations and...

Vimy: L'envolé des héros

Sound Venture SVP398

Le passé et le présent se rencontrent au cours de cette tournée aérienne qui se déroule à...

Wings of Courage: A Nation Soars Series

Sound Venture SVP030

Aviation experiences a massive technological and tactical progression during the course of the...

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