Health and Medicine
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Dementia, Dad and Me (45 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF000The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Dementia, Dad and Me (77 Minute Version)
Truefaux Films TFF001The onset of his dementia brought a dramatic change to the relationship filmmaker Hannah Minzloff...
Demon Mineral
Video Project, Inc. TVP117Demon Mineral can be considered an anti-Western, flipping the classical cinematic paradigm by...
Depression - Legacy of the Survival Instinct: Origins of Disease...
Film Ideas FI0069Depression is a condition that arises throughout the world. As scientists begin to understand more...
Depression: Out of the Shadows
PBS Video 041023Many Americans are keeping an important, possibly deadly secret: depression. Approximately 15...
Depth of Field: Films about Farming Series
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C008Depth of Field is a series of short documentaries showcasing Canadian farmers and farm workers...
Des bateaux et des hommes
PVP Doc V Inc.. F301-S03La série Des bateaux et des hommes nous invite à partir à la rencontre d’individus et de...
Des Nanos En Nous: Bienvenue Dans Le Nanomonde
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC004FRPour notre troisième voyage nous allons à la rencontre de ce que les nanos peuvent changer pour...
Designer $hit: A Microbiome Love Story
The Best Part Inc. BEPA00After suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for a nearly decade, filmmaker Saffron Cassaday tries a new...
Dev’s Job Juggle: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 7
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP216Dev has received the job offer of his dreams in another province. Taking the job will mean...
Diabetes: Why Many Teens Are at Risk
Human Relations Media 600458As a direct result of poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity, Type 2 diabetes has become a...
Diagnosis - A Potentially Unknown Neurological Syndrome: W5
CTV CTV886Todd Battis investigates a mysterious brain disease and reveals missteps and failures of the New...
Diets & Weight: Clearing the Confusion
Learning Seed 200109Your students hear so many confusing ideas about how to lose weight and eat right. What works and...
Digging in the Dirt
Back Road Productions Inc. BRPI00Digging In The Dirt is a documentary about the psychological costs of working in Alberta’s oil...
DIGITAL SMARTS: Behaving Ethically Online
Human Relations Media 600607Cyber ethics and respect for others online are critical skills to acquire for today's connected...
DIGITAL SMARTS: Protecting Your Online Reputation and Safety
Human Relations Media 600606Cyber safety has become one of the most important topics for students to understand and master...
Dirty Legacy: W5
CTV CTV844W5 investigates a small Alberta town that once prospered thanks to the oil industry that is now...
Disciplining Kids (Revised & Updated!)
Learning Seed 200207Ah, the jobs of parenthood! They include shaving cream all over the bathroom mirror, bubble gum in...
Diversity and Communication
Magna Systems 520120In the program, we role-play some possible conflicts between parents and early childhood...
Diversity, Independence, And Individuality
Magna Systems 520119What makes up good practice? "It depends…" Focusing on diverse reactions to scenes of...
Diversity: Contrasting Perspectives
Magna Systems 520108Parent relations deepen when childcare staff can explore contrasting perspectives and spark...
Magna Systems 520121As child care went from babysitting to a profession, experts developed standards for the field...
DNA Superdoc
AB Productions A296-005DNA Superdoc uncovers the story behind this biotechnological breakthrough. Immense progress in...
Do I Have a Problem? Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Human Relations Media 600580This uniquely interactive program asks viewers a series of questions to help them focus on whether...
Do We Live On a Mushroom Planet?: 42 - The Answer to Almost...
Autentic GMBH AUT032Mushrooms have hardly been researched. They are among the oldest and most diverse life forms on our...
Do You Dream in Color?
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE005DO YOU DREAM IN COLOR? is an enlightening and poignant coming of age story that follows the...
Do You Have an Eating Disorder?
Human Relations Media 600455Teens and young adults describe their eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating...
Doctor De Soto
Weston Woods WW284by William Steig A hungry fox with a toothache begs a mouse dentist to relieve his pain in this...
Doing the Impossible: The Story of the Developmental...
Developmental Disabilities Association DDA000Inspired by the birth of a boy with Down Syndrome, one mother’s bold choice not to...
Domestic Violence and Childhood Trauma: Childhood Trauma Series
Magna Systems 520033The connection between trauma in childhood and domestic violence later in life is obvious to Jane...
Don't Drain Your Brain: How Alcohol Damages the Brain
Human Relations Media 600284This powerful video uses lively animation and compelling images of the human brain to deliver the...
Don’t These People Talk to Each Other?
University Health Network UHN011This clip presents a documentary that links the evidence for interprofessional care, the need for...
Dormir, c'est le rêve (sommeil): Globul-x
Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-04Règle transmise: Bien dormir pour être en forme et pour bien grandir. Mécanisme biologique: Le...
Dr. Esther Tailfeathers: The Impact Colonization has on...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0023Family Physician for Fort Chipewyan and Standoff, Medical Lead for the Aboriginal Heath Program...
Dr. Marla & Friends
CTV CTV567Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (5 Episodes)
CTV CTV581Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (Episode 104)
CTV CTV568Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (Episode 105)
CTV CTV569Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (Episode 106)
CTV CTV570Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (Episode 107)
CTV CTV571Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. W.H.O.: W5
CTV CTV827W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines delivers an exclusive interview with Dr. Bruce Aylward...
Drawing And Finger Painting
Magna Systems 520167See and Learn: • How the child artist emerges, from disordered scribbling to drawing definite...
Dreaming of a Better World; The Quantum Revolution
Autentic GMBH AUT035The hype surrounding the quantum computer is fuelling the fantasy of a better world. It is...
Dressage (Biomechanics): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE100Nykeem meets up with Tai-Lee and her horse pal Gerald to explore the science behind dressage, which...
Drinking Games, Alcohol Abuse & Overdose
Human Relations Media 600578This hard-hitting program reveals the truth about teens that engage in drinking games and put...
Drive to School: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 2
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP202Dev is phoning Ange but she is not picking up. In the meantime, he is letting Sam drive his car, to...
Driven - Overcoming Adversity By Living in the Fast Lane: W5
CTV CTV950Angie Seth sits down with professional race car driver Austin Riley, who is breaking barriers for...
Drug Facts Action Pack
Human Relations Media 600519National drug-education experts agree that targeted, age-appropriate elementary school drug...
Drug Facts Action Pack (Whiteboard Version)
Human Relations Media 600519WBNational drug-education experts agree that targeted, age-appropriate elementary school drug...
Drugs: Crime and Punishment
Human Relations Media 600513Powerfully presents the life-altering impact of a drug arrest, trial, conviction and incarceration...