Health and Medicine
1565 title(s) found.« First « Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next » Last »
Finding Peter Bryce
Peter Campbell PCI000Growing up, all Andy Bryce knew about his great-grandfather was that he wrote the first health code...
Fire: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 2
Buck Productions 300052Elder Charlie teaches the group the life-saving art of starting fire with flint, dry cord and...
Fire: Safety Planet Series
Educational Voice 992153This animated staying safe video lesson is all about Fire Safety. Youngsters learn about the...
First Contact, Season 1
First Contact Canada Inc. FCC000By and large, Canadians’ opinions about the Indigenous people of this country are formed without...
Fish (qaqxʷlx̓): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...
Buck Productions 300094Braving the fast-moving rivers, the group paddles off the lake in search of natural salmon runs in...
Fish: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 4
Buck Productions 300054The group realized the toll of a nomadic lifestyle. They embark on a long canoe trip. The...
Learning Seed 200136Join Jack, Danielle, Kailee, Matthew, Isabella, Tyler, Natalie, and their friends to explore the...
Five Essential Habits of Healthy Teens
Human Relations Media 600457All teens will benefit from learning these five "essential habits" based on recent wellness studies...
Five: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 7
Buck Productions 300057Tempers flare as hunger, exhaustion, and no reprieve from one another pushes someone past the point...
Fixing My Brain
Matter of Fact Media MFM004FIXING MY BRAIN, a one-hour documentary that tells the dramatic story of Barbara Arrowsmith, a...
Flame (sc ik̓ək̓): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...
Buck Productions 300088Braving ice-cold rivers, the group of explorers discovers a surprise on the lakeshore. The...
Flute Making and Human Making
Happen Films HAP007Flute Making and Human Making is a meditation on the similarities to be found between two unlikely...
Food Additives
Learning Seed 200203Do you know what maltodextrin is? No, it's not the winning word from the national spelling bee...
Food Basics I (Canada AM with L. Beck)
CTV CTV171These 3-4 minute clips as seen on Canada AM and hosted by one of Canada's leading nutritionists...
Food Basics II (Canada AM with L. Beck)
CTV CTV172These 3-4 minute clips as seen on Canada AM and hosted by one of Canada's leading nutritionists...
Food is Sewa: Not Your Butter Chicken Series
Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS01This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken” interweaves Shiva’s profession of hospitality and...
Food Safety: It's in Your Hands
Learning ZoneXpress 430197Ever get sick from something you ate? An estimated 1 in 6 people contract a foodborne illness each...
Food, Health and Exercise: Putting It All Together
Human Relations Media 600399Studies indicate that nearly 25% of all school-age children are overweight and another 12% have...
Human Relations Media 600260Studies indicate that nearly 25% of all school-age children are overweight and another 12% have...
Football (Science of Drag): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE117John is a 12 year old quarterback who wants to throw the perfect spiral. Dr. Heather sends guest...
Footsteps of Bethune
Ballinran Productions Limited BALL01CHThis award-winning documentary follows doctors from Toronto and Montreal as they provide...
For Dear Life
Diving Bell Films Inc. DBFI00When 46-year-old theatre producer James Pollard learns he has terminal cancer, he sets out to turn...
For Food Lovers - Niagara Falls, ON: Kid Diners Series
Farpoint Films FAR015In Niagara Falls, ON, Xander and Aynalem explore this food lover’s paradise. Xander gets busy as...
For the 17: W5
CTV CTV755TSN’s Rick Westhead travelled to Parkland, Florida after a mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman...
For the Tastebuds: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0653Three Indigenous entrepreneurs tempt the Bears’ tastebuds with their businesses creating custom...
Forever Young: W5
CTV CTV699What are the secrets of living well, longer? A lot longer? Are people who live to 100 and beyond...
Fortune Takers: W5
CTV CTV686Tarot cards, crystal balls and false readings are just some tools of the trade for mystics. An...
Four (mus): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory, Season...
Buck Productions 300090With only four travellers remaining, the heavy rains of Syilx territory threaten the journey that...
Free the Mind
Video Project, Inc. TVP022Free the Mind profiles the pioneering work of renowned psychologist Richard Davidson, who, by...
Freestyle Skiing (Acceleration): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE115Charlie loves the creativity of freestyle skiing and he works to get maximum air out of the half...
Fresh Ingredients: Healthy International Food Tips
Learning ZoneXpress 430151Cookbook author and world traveler Paulette Mitchell presents a series of video segments that offer...
From A to ZZZZ's: What Teens Need to Know About Sleep
Human Relations Media 600346New research has shown how critically important it is for teens to get enough sleep to function at...
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life Series
Learning Seed 200290Creating a brand new person requires a complex biological process featuring a cast of microscopic...
Frontline: Diet Wars
PBS Video 040461Americans spend $40 billion a year on books, products, and programs designed to help us lose...
FRONTLINE: Endgame - AIDS in Black America
PBS Video 041585Every ten minutes, someone in the US contracts HIV, and nearly half of the one million people in...
FRONTLINE: Growing up Trans
PBS Video 041805Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are...
FRONTLINE: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria
PBS Video 041887"Nightmare bacteria." That's how the CDC describes a frightening threat spreading quickly in...
FRONTLINE: League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis
PBS Video 041676The National Football League, a multibillion - dollar commercial juggernaut, presides over...
FRONTLINE: Life and Death in Assisted Living
PBS Video 041669Nearly 750,000 elderly Americans are spending their later years in for-profit assisted living...
Frontline: Living Old
PBS Video 040814Medical advances have enabled an unprecedented number of Americans to live longer and healthier...
PBS Video 041798Why wasn't the Ebola outbreak stopped? When the largest Ebola outbreak on record began to...
FRONTLINE: Sick Around the World
PBS Video 041022Four in five Americans say the healthcare system needs fundamental change. Can the U.S. learn...
Frontline: The Abortion Divide
PBS Video 041929In 1983 - 10 years after Roe v. Wade - a landmark FRONTLINE documentary, Abortion Clinic, showed...
FRONTLINE: The Fish on my Plate
PBS Video 041880"What fish should I eat that's good for me and good for the planet?" That's the question...
Frontline: The Lost Children of Rockdale County
PBS Video 040457In 1996 an outbreak of syphilis struck a group of teenagers in the affluent community of Conyers...
FRONTLINE: The Meth Epidemic
PBS Video 040706FRONTLINE investigates the big business surrounding "Crystal Meth," the narcotic that swept the...
FRONTLINE: The Suicide Plan
PBS Video 041607In stunning portraits of individuals grappling with the end of life - along with the doctors...
FRONTLINE: The Trouble with Chicken
PBS Video 041797Every year, Salmonella causes more hospitalizations and deaths than any other foodborne illness...
FRONTLINE: The Vaccine War (2015)
PBS Video 041814Now, in 2015, measles, mumps, and whooping cough are all making a comeback. Building on years of...
Frontline: The Virus that Shook the World
PBS Video 041965FRONTLINE examines living through the year of the pandemic, filmed around the world, from lockdowns...