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Health and Medicine

1565 title(s) found.

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Drugs: Prison Series 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1337

**Contains course language** Deals with Durham’s seemingly unstoppable flood of drugs and mobile...

Drum (pumín): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...

Buck Productions 300097

Deep in the mountain valley before a devastating storm breaks, the group reflects on the profound...

DUI: The Hard Truth

Human Relations Media 600438

Hosted by a career EMT, this video reveals the hard truth and horrifying ordeals resulting from...

Dying for Help: W5


Cpl. Stuart Langridge didn't die in battle. His story is a spiral from a decorated, successful...

Dying High 2: Real Stories of Drugged Driving

Human Relations Media 600579

The original award-winning Dying High gave viewers an unblinking look at what happens when teens...

Dying High: Teens In the ER

Human Relations Media 600257

This hard hitting, reality-based video gives viewers a chance to see what goes on inside the...


Passion River Films PR2624

E-Motion is a factual documentary that explores how human emotions affect the physiology of the...


Magna Systems 520115

There are more choices for early child care and education these days than ever before. But an...

Easing the Pain (Canada AM Series)


This three-part series from Canada AM looks at the personal impact of chronic pain and what can be...

Eat Less: The Upside of Downsizing Portions (Canadian Version)

Learning Seed 200322

The portions we consider normal have expanded, and so have our waistlines. This program explores...


Learning Seed 200202

The new USDA dietary guidelines and revised food pyramid are out. The 2005 report suggests that...

Eat To Win: Nutrition for Athletes

Learning ZoneXpress 430025

When athletes step onto the field, court or track, they want to perform their best. Placing good...

Eat Your Heart Out: Diary of a Crohn's Patient

Supre Incorporated SINC03

Exploring Erin’s lifelong journey with Crohn’s disease not only exposes the “coping”...

EATER BEWARE: From Chemical Stews And Organic Gardens

Learning Seed 200148

We are increasingly concerned about the safety of our food supply. Thousands seek organic foods...


Learning Seed 200028

Long ago, in the land of meat and potatoes, in the days before microwaves and frozen yogurt...

Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI008

This Canadian production gives you information about what each of the arcs in the rainbow...

Ecstasy: Just How Dangerous Is It?

Human Relations Media 600287

This video introduces viewers to the very real dangers of Ecstasy, an illegal substance whose...

Ecstasy: The Facts

Human Relations Media 600227

Using a fast-paced MTV documentary style, this video explores the skyrocketing use of the club drug...

Edible Marijuana: Is It Safe?

Human Relations Media 600654

While many teens may think that eating marijuana is an okay way to get high, it is in fact...

Elder Abuse Awareness Playlist


This Canadian collection of programs uncovers the horrifying abuse that takes place to our most...

Elements of Human Nutrition Series

Learning Seed 200225

Six new and fully revised programs exploring the science and nutritional elements of food, their...

Emerging Drugs Of Abuse

Human Relations Media 600601

Newspaper headlines are filled with horror stories about the devastating effects of new synthetic...

Emily - Mohawk, Montreal, QC: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT004

Emily is an 11-year-old Mohawk girl who lives in Montreal, Quebec. Emily is a huge fan of dancing...

Emotional Rescue: W5


W5 reporter Tom Kennedy delivers an investigation into Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in...

Emotions in Action

Theresa Dunn TDA000

Well - being is a balance of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. This balance is...

Empathy, The Heart's Intelligence

Flair Production A242-009

What makes human beings social, able to see another’s point of view, while still remaining...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043B

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043A

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

Encouraging Moral Development In Children

Learning ZoneXpress 430030

Enter into a dynamic discussion on moral development as hosted by a group of teens who give their...

Enduring Love - A Heartbreaking Battle with Alzheimer's: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo sits down with former deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt about her husband's...

Enfants fantômes, un défi pour l'Afrique

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC000FR

Plus de 230 millions d’enfants à travers le monde n’ont jamais été enregistrés à leur...

Entre deux sexes

ARTE France F196-027

Afin que l’ordre des choses soit respecté, que le monde reste rose ou bleu, fille ou garçon, la...

Entre toi et moi l'empathie

Flair Production F242-013

Qu’est-ce qui fait de l’être humain un être social, capable de prendre le point de vue de...

Epidemics: The Invisible Threat

ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003

When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...

Epidemics: The Invisible Threat

ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003

When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...

Épidémies, la menace invisible

ARTE France, Scientifilms F259-003

Quand frappera la prochaine épidémie d'ampleur planétaire? À l’heure où de nouveaux virus...

Épidémies, la menace invisible

ARTE France, Scientifilms F259-003

Quand frappera la prochaine épidémie d'ampleur planétaire? À l’heure où de nouveaux virus...

Episode 10: More Curious Series

Switch SWED144

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 11: More Curious Series

Switch SWED145

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 12: Curious Series

Switch SWED40

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 12: More Curious Series

Switch SWED146

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 13: More Curious Series

Switch SWED147

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 1: Curious Series

Switch SWED29

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 1: More Curious Series

Switch SWED135

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 2: Curious Series

Switch SWED30

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 2: More Curious Series

Switch SWED136

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 3: Curious Series

Switch SWED31

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 3: More Curious Series

Switch SWED137

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 4: More Curious Series

Switch SWED138

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

Episode 5: More Curious Series

Switch SWED139

In this episode, big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science...

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