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Home / Diets & Weight: Clearing the Confusion

Diets & Weight: Clearing the Confusion

Maple Leaf This item is only available for Canadian orders.

Catalogue Number:  200109
ISBN Number:  1-55740-959-5
Producer:  Learning Seed
Subject:  Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  1999
Running Time:  22

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Your students hear so many confusing ideas about how to lose weight and eat right. What works and what's dangerous? This fast paced video sets out to clear the confusion by exploring common mistaken beliefs about weight and diet. 

Common Diet Myths: 

- Fat on your body come from fat in your food. Why do we gain weight in spite of all the fat-free and reduced fat foods? 
- Thin is the natural ideal. We show that " ideal body shape" is cultural. 
- Diets work. Female teens are often true believers of this myth. 
- Obesity is a weight problem. Over WEIGHT is not the same as over FAT. 
- It's all in the genes. Are some people condemned by their genes to be fat? 
- Good food/bad food. We suggest food is part of the joy of living, and rarely either poison or medicine. 
- Food controls weight. This is partly true but neglects the crucial role of physical activity. 


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