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Catalogue Number:  520121
Producer:  Magna Systems
Subject:  Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2000
Running Time:  29

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As child care went from babysitting to a profession, experts developed standards for the field. These standards have helped define a baseline of proper care, and have improved child care for the better in many ways - but they can also cause problems. Parents who put their children into child care may disagree with the standard program about what's best for children.

This program moves beyond compromise and boldly asserts that it is possible to resolve contradictions without anyone giving in, by finding a larger view that embraces diversity and incorporates it into the standards.

With role-play and discussing, we address such seemingly-simple questions as "Is it okay to draw pictures for children instead of just letting them do it?" and "Is it okay to toilet train a baby too young to sit alone on a toilet?"

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