Canadian World Studies
1446 title(s) found.« First « Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next » Last »
Culture as a Resource for Sustainable Development: Architects of...
PVP Films A150-S03-07Approximately half of the world’s population is now under the age of 25. The problems facing...
Cutting-Edge Gardeners: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S05-07Intensive farming, unsustainable forestry methods and industrial fishing have seriously depleted...
Dallas Goldtooth: Comedy As a Way Of Reconciliation - REDx Talks...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0021Dallas Goldtooth (Mdewakanton Dakota & Dińe) is the Keystone XL Campaign Organizer for the...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE025This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from...
Dance Art : The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 9
Farpoint Films FAR030Cinematographer Dave Gaudet films Daystar, a contemporary modern dancer working in Rochester, New...
Dangerous Hunt: Gold - The Currency of Greed Series
Autentic GMBH AUT045It conveys permanence in a fast-moving world: gold. The precious metal always retains its luster...
Dans l’oeil du moustique
Grand Angle Productions F173-036Au Brésil, en Afrique, en Asie du sud-est ou dans le sud de l’Europe, ce film suit le parcours...
Daughters of Gardeners
PVP Monde A153-001Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral...
Dave’s Roots: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 12
Farpoint Films FAR034Cinematographer Dave Gaudet travels to his tribe’s annual powwow in Newfoundland. He also returns...
Dawn Marie Marchand: REDx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0014Dawn marie Marchand is a Cree and Métis artist of the Cold Lake First Nation. Dawn Marie works...
Dead Reckoning: War, Crime and Justice from WW2 to the War on...
PBS Video 041868From award-winning producer/writer/director Jonathan Silvers comes this three-part series, Dead...
Deadline - Inside the Newspaper Industry: Forbidden Places...
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL04The logistics of producing a national, daily newspaper are staggering. Over a 24 hour period a...
Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR099EExplores beyond the Bible, building new biographies of the Apostles from 2,000 years of history...
Death and Renewal: Elder in the Making Series, Ep. 6
Hidden Story Productions Ltd. HS0006Despite the history, trauma and devastating loss, there is a somewhat renewed sense of commitment...
Death or Canada
Ballinran Productions Limited BALL03Death or Canada presents an epic tale of sacrifice and courage in the face of overwhelming...
Débarquement de Normandie
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-01Ohio, États-Unis. Les berges du lac Érié prennent des airs des longues plages du nord de la...
Debrief at the Desk - Andrew Scheer
CTV CTV804CTV News Chief and Senior Editor Lisa LaFlamme sits down with Conservative Leader Andrew Sheer to...
Debrief at the Desk - Elizabeth May
CTV CTV806CTV Chief Anchor and Senior Editor Lisa LaFlamme speaks with Green Party Leader Elizabeth May to...
Debrief at the Desk - Jagmeet Singh
CTV CTV805NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh sits down with CTV News Chief Anchor and Senior Editor Lisa LaFlamme to...
Debrief at the Desk - Justin Trudeau
CTV CTV803Liberal Leader and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joins CTV Chief Anchor and Senior Editor Lisa...
Defending Democracy and the Water Rights: Maude Barlow - The...
Paper Tiger PT0057This episode of The Green Interview features Maude Barlow, a Canadian environmental activist and...
Defending the 'Wakas' - Chile: Native Planet Series - The Fight...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0778Simon travels to the Atacama Desert in northern Chile where high atop the Andes Mountains the Colla...
Degrowth in the Suburbs
Happen Films HAP010What does sustainable living in the city look like? By living more simply, creating permaculture...
DeGrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity
Asociacion Camara Libre A285-001Degrowth, from the Myth of Abundance to Voluntary Simplicity, tackles the big question of economic...
Demon Mineral
Video Project, Inc. TVP117Demon Mineral can be considered an anti-Western, flipping the classical cinematic paradigm by...
Denmark's Renewable Energy and Community Magician: Søren...
Paper Tiger PT0097This episode of the Green Interview features Søren Hermansen, Denmark's "world-class energy...
Derek Klapka - Rafting en Nouvelle-Zélande: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0188FRDerek Klapka est une sommité dans le milieu du rafting. Accompagné de touristes en quête de...
Derek Klapka - White Water Rafting in New Zealand: Adventure...
HG Distribution HG0188Accompanied by young tourists in search of daring challenges and spectacular landscapes, rafting...
Des bateaux d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
CinéFête F301-S03-06En Nouvelle-Calédonie, sur l’île des Pins, une famille bien particulière construit des...
Des bateaux et des hommes
PVP Doc V Inc.. F301-S03La série Des bateaux et des hommes nous invite à partir à la rencontre d’individus et de...
Des cartes gagnantes
Sound Venture SVP032Dans ce premier documentaire, le narrateur Bernard Voyer raconte comment la photographie aérienne...
Desert Mysteries: Mysteries from Above, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1508A space shot shows a circular crater in a barren Turkmenistan desert, a mud volcano where methane...
Desert Riders
Filmblanc Inc. FILM00Camel racing, often called the Sport of Kings, is one of the most popular sports in the Middle...
Développer les entreprises vertes: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-09Pour les industries, prendre le tournant vert s’avère désormais une stratégie rentable, voire...
Devil's Bargain: A Journey Into the Small Arms Trade
Bishari Films BF0008Small arms are the real weapons of mass destruction, killing more than half a million people a...
Diana, Part Four: How Diana Changed Britain
Blue Ant Media BAM1292Diana changed Britain in ways no other royal has ever done - and she also changed what it meant to...
Diana, Part Three; Her Last Summer: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1291In the years before she died, Diana left her royal life behind and emerged as a different...
Diana, Part Two: Queen of Hearts: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1290She was known for those much-publicized, protocol-shattering visits with AIDS sufferers, and walks...
Diaspora Nations: A World of Altered States Series
Pilot Productions 555007The first episodes in a new series about the world's many Diaspora's. The series explores where in...
Dig Deeper
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV078By Digging Deeper into the lives of four unique and diverse Indigenous artists from Australia, we...
Digging for Dinosaurs/Some Kind of Syrup: Louis Says Season 1...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC006Episode 6A: Digging for Dinosaurs - Randy tells Randy that Emily’s son wants a dinosaur...
Dino Trails, Season 1
Brandy Y Productions BYP039Dino Trails reveals the latest dinosaur discoveries in Canada that are making headlines around the...
Directions Home
Guerrilla Films GF0002After World War Two, a group of Canadian soldiers managed to save thousands of European refugees...
Dirty Tricks: W5
CTV CTV794W5 correspondent Peter Akman examines the cyber threat to Canadian democracy in “Dirty Tricks”...
Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04For 60 years, Korea has been divided into two states, two diametrically opposed societies. How did...
Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04For 60 years, Korea has been divided into two states, two diametrically opposed societies. How did...
Djihad, les contrefeux
ARTE France F242-009Comment sortir les jeunes de l'engrenage de la radicalisation ? Comment aider les parents ? «...
Doing Jewish: A Story From Ghana
Passion River Films PR3475We're not sure how it got here, but it's here: Judaism. In a remote village in Ghana, called Sefwi...
Doughnuts, Dumplings, Potato Chips, Ice Cream, Paté, Butter...
Switch SWED17Welcome to Food Stories! In this episode, we examine common food dishes and food styles that have...
Downstream: Mine Waste and the Fraser River Watershed
River Voices RVP000Huge mine tailings dams - like the one that burst at the Mount Polley Mine in 2014 - pose a serious...