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Canadian World Studies

1446 title(s) found.

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Archery: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810011

Archery (Episode 12): Hundreds of years ago, a bow and arrow was often the first toy put into a...

Archery: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8111CS

Archery - Ep 12: Hundreds of years ago, a bow and arrow was often the first toy put into a...

Architects of Change 1

PVP Films A150-S02

Architects of Change is a 30-part series that uncovers today's new types of pioneers. They are...

Architects of Change 3

PVP Films A150-S05

Architects of Change is a 30-part series that uncovers today's new types of pioneers. They are...

Architects of Taste: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S05-05

On a global scale, we produce more food than we are able to consume. However, millions of people in...

Arctic Games, Part I: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810009

Arctic Games, Part I (Episode 10): The Inuit have developed to survive in their harsh landscape...

Arctic Games, Part I: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8109CS

Arctic Games, Part I - Ep 10: The Inuit have developed to survive in their harsh landscape. Games...

Arctic Games, Part ll: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810010

Arctic Games, Part ll (Episode 11): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw learns how to play the games and finds...

Arctic Games, Part ll: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8110CS

Arctic Games, Part ll - Ep 11: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw learns how to play the games and finds that...

Arielle Mae Curtis: Redx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0010

Arielle Mae Curtis is a writer and performing artist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She discusses...

Arise: Women Healing the Environment

Video Project, Inc. TVP008

On every continent, women are taking the lead to protect and restore the natural environment, and...

Arizona: Seeing the USA Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP065

Brandy Yanchyk starts her journey of Arizona in Sedona where she explores the town in a jeep tour...

Arkadaşloch - Nobody's Problem


“Arkadaşloch – Nobody’s Problem” is an essay documentary film which tells the story of...

Art Biennale, Calle Ocho, Boi Bumba, Roskilde, Food, Food and...

Switch SWED50

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Art of Craft Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1429

Master Craftsmen - highly skilled, thoroughly experienced and absolute visionaries. Through the...

Art Trails of Mexico: Art Trails Series

Pilot Productions 555057

We explore the story of Mexican art from the ancient civilisations of the Maya and Aztecs through...

Art Trails Series

Pilot Productions 555055

In the three part series ART TRAILS, we explore the sites, playgrounds, and homes of some of the...

Artificial Intelligence - The Global Race for the New Frontier...

Scorpion Television SCTV22

Policymakers in many countries are developing plans and funding research in artificial intelligence...

Ashbal, Children of ISIS

ARTE France, Memento A259-017

The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...

Ashbal, Children of ISIS

ARTE France, Memento A259-017

The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...

Ashbal, les lionceaux de Califat

ARTE France, Memento F259-026

Les membres de l'Etat Islamique les appellent “les lionceaux”. Ils ont entre 4 et 16 ans. Ils...

Ashbal, les lionceaux de Califat

ARTE France, Memento F259-026

Les membres de l'Etat Islamique les appellent “les lionceaux”. Ils ont entre 4 et 16 ans. Ils...

Ashley Callingbull Burnham: Redx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0001

Ashley Callingbull Burnham is the first Canadian and first Indigenous woman to win the Mrs...

Asian Immigration Experiences: Journeys to Canada Series

Past Perfect Productions/6801260 Manitoba Inc. PPP003

This program examines the experiences of Chinese, Japanese and South Asian immigrants in Canada...


Olivier Higgins & Mélanie Carrière A154-001

The idea behind Asiemut was to produce a film, which would not only allow the viewers to think...

Asiemut (French Version)

Olivier Higgins & Mélanie Carrière F154-001

Asiemut - 8000 km à vélo de la Mongolie à l'Inde Tant de choix à faire au quotidien! À chacun...

Ask No Questions

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD166

When Chinese state TV blames his faith for a fiery public suicide, Chen Ruichang is detained in a...

Astronauts: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1452

Discover what it takes to become an astronaut and be part of the greatest human adventure of all...

Aswan: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM991

John is in Aswan, a city where the Middle East and Africa collide; where the food of the local...

Athens, Lima, Helsinki, Doha, Munich, Barcelona and Milan...

Switch SWED85

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Au-delà du Tsunami

Kondololé Films Inc. KON054FR

The devastating 2004 tsunami was a disaster for the people and economy of Sri Lanka, a country...

Auschwitz Untold: In Colour

Blue Ant Media BAM1368

A powerful account of one of the most hideous crimes in human history told from the perspective of...


Eduflix Group AB KMG024

Australia is the world’s smallest continent, and at the same time one of the biggest countries...

Australia - The Duley Family: Skindigenous Series. Season 3

Nish Media 310058

In the urban city of Gold Coast, Australia, there’s a solar powered and eco-conscious tattoo...

Aux portes de la croissance verte: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-01

La naissance d’une nouvelle industrie verte s’appuie sur des technologies conciliant économie...

Avec Castro, À L'Heure du Crime, 1963

Mélisande Films F196-038

Castro voyait dans Kennedy le seul président qui crut à une coexistence entre socialistes et...

Bachar, moi ou le chaos

Illégitime Défense F269-007

Alors que la Syrie est en proie à une guerre sanglante qui dure depuis plus de cinq ans, ce...

Back From the Dead: Great Lakes Wild Series

Blue Ant Media BAM238

Whether it's from habitat loss or overeager hunters, sometimes, a species disappears from its...

Bad Reputations: Great Lakes Wild Series

Blue Ant Media BAM234

When animals and humans co-exist, how do you stop a bad reputation from pushing a species towards...

Badgers of 100 Mile

Wilderness Committee 010049

Persecuted by landowners, run over by cars, displaced by urban development, the American badger...

Bahrain: John Torode's Middle East Series

Blue Ant Media BAM994

John’s in Bahrain, the land of a million date palms, eager as always to sample local flavours...

Banff Springs Hotel, AB: Historylands Season 1

Good Earth Productions GEHL06

The magnificent Banff Springs Hotel has been a wilderness palace for people from around the world...

Banned Beauty Queen

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD167

The story of Canada’s Miss World, Anastasia Lin burst onto front pages when her father, who lives...

Banning The Trophy Hunt: Coastal Revival Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP035

At Klemtu, in the Great Bear Rainforest, the Kitasoo Xai'xais First Nations people run a thriving...

Barley: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED02

One of the first cultivated grains in history, it remains one ofthe most widely consumed grains...

Bashar, The Master of Chaos

Illégitime Défense A269-007

This documentary takes a close look at Syria’s strongman: Bashar al-Assad. What are the origins...

Bashir's Vision

Loud Roar Productions LRP002

Bashir Ramathan throws real head snappers in a dusty boxing gym. At the crack of dawn, he's working...

Bataille d'Hastings

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-09

Battle, Royaume-Uni. La bataille d’Hastings, d’une importance majeure dans l’histoire de...

Bataille de Cedar Creek

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-07

Virginie, États-Unis. Les reconstitutions de batailles liées à la guerre civile américaine sont...

Bataille de la poche de Falaise

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-08

Le lendemain du débarquement du 6 juin 1944, les Alliés entament la bataille de Normandie pour...

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