Health and Medicine
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Understanding HIV and AIDS
Human Relations Media 600379"What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? How do you get it? Can I touch a person with AIDS? Is...
Understanding HIV and AIDS (Interactive Whiteboard Version)
Human Relations Media 600379WB"What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? How do you get it? Can I touch a person with AIDS? Is...
Understanding Infants (DVD & Software Set)
Learning Seed 200327SETOur new DVD + Software set will teach students about the physical, cognitive, social and emotional...
Understanding Infants (Single User License Software Set)
Learning Seed 200326CDUse software to teach students about the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development that...
Understanding Infants: Cognitive Development (Software - Single...
Learning Seed 200324CDThis interactive software teaches students about the different parts of the infant brain and the...
Understanding Infants: Social & Emotional Development (Software...
Learning Seed 200325CDThis software explains the developing stages infant emotions and their growing ability to recognize...
Understanding Poverty: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP018Meet the amazing cast of characters from 12 Neighbors, a wonderful series which explores the...
Understanding Social Anxiety
Human Relations Media 600703Social anxiety--the negative emotions and fear of ordinary social interactions--affects 40% of all...
Understanding the Opioid Epidemic
PBS Video 041897Understanding the Opioid Epidemic traces the causes behind the unprecedented growth in the use of...
Undetectable: How Stigma Has Gone Viral in the Fight against HIV
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP00Canada has the solution to end HIV infections and stop the world-wide AIDS epidemic. So why are...
Unlocking Alex: W5
CTV CTV566Researchers have long preached the health benefits of spending time with animals, but can...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV039Unmanageable is the unknown story of Canada's training schools and the generations of vulnerable...
Unmasking Influenza
Sound Venture SVP482This dynamic story juxtaposes historical events with contemporary solutions. It is drawn from a...
Unrestrained: W5
CTV CTV847In Canada, a woman is murdered every six days by an intimate partner. Lawyer and advocate Pamela...
Unsinkable Silken: W5
CTV CTV615Olympic and World Champion rower Silken Laumann was associated with all the attributes of great...
Untested Evidence: W5
CTV CTV860W5's Avery Haines investigates into why a shocking number of Canadian hospitals don't have sexual...
Uppers and Downers: The Facts About Stimulants and Depressants
Human Relations Media 600390Hard-hitting docudrama presents the facts and provides expert commentary on how abuse of stimulants...
Vanilla from the Gulf of Mexico: The Magical World of Spices...
Autentic GMBH AUT011Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Originally, it comes from Mexico. The...
Vaping and Viruses: Your Lungs, Your Health
Human Relations Media 600702Vaping hurts your lungs and depresses your immune system - that combo may put you at higher risk...
Vaping: More Dangerous Than You Think
Human Relations Media 600639This video and print curriculum addresses the new craze of vaping drugs (nicotine, alcohol, liquid...
Get Vegucated, LLC VEG000Vegucated is a feature-length documentary that follows three meat-and cheese-loving New Yorkers who...
Veronica Rolls Up Her Sleeves
Supre Incorporated SINC08A dream wedding is something that Veronica had always wished for but never thought possible. About...
Victor Walk
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE015Victor Walk is about transforming victims of child sexual abuse into victors, because surviving is...
Violence: Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1339**Contains course language** Every day Durham prison staff must deal with assaults on fellow...
Virus of Hate: W5
CTV CTV845W5 investigates the racism and challenges many Asian-Canadians have had to face since the start of...
Viruses, Vaccines and COVID-19 - Prepare and Prevail: Science...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0214Humans fight viruses with knowledge which was especially important during the Covid-19 epidemic...
Viruses: The Deadly Enemy
Human Relations Media 600150This program helps viewers learn the basics about diseases, the immune system, evolution, and...
Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291141Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season...
Vitamin Basics
Learning Seed 200172Fully revised and updated with the most current information available. Use this video to teach the...
Vitamins: Elements of Human Nutrition Series
Learning Seed 200222Do you hear the word "vitamins" and envision pills? In fact, our main source of vitamins is the...
Vixens & Virgins... And Other Mythological Creatures
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI013Vixens & Virgins follows one mother's fascinating investigation into the lives of teenage girls and...
Volleyball (Newton's Laws of Motion - Inertia, Acceleration...
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE105Guest pro Kira joins host Nykeem, Dr. Heather in the Sports Lab and up-and-coming powerhouse Megan...
Volume 1 - A Healthy You: Are You Ready? Series
GAPC Productions GAP001Everyday is exciting when you’re learning something new! Especially when you’re a kid getting...
Volume 1 - Et tu prêt? séries
GAPC Productions GAPF01Prépare-toi à rire en apprenant de petits trucs pour t’aider à : manipuler une brosse à...
Volume 2 - Et tu prêt? séries
GAPC Productions GAPF02Prépare-toi à rire en apprenant de petits trucs pour t’aider à : manipuler une brosse à...
Volume 2 - Helping Around the House: Are You Ready? Series
GAPC Productions GAP002Everyday is exciting when you’re learning something new! Especially when you’re a kid getting...
Volume 3 - Et tu prêt? séries
GAPC Productions GAPF03Prépare-toi à rire en apprenant de petits trucs pour t’aider à : manipuler une brosse à...
Volume 3 - Hooray, Look at Me!: Are You Ready? Series
GAPC Productions GAP003Everyday is exciting when you’re learning something new! Especially when you’re a kid getting...
Volume 4 - Et tu prêt? séries
GAPC Productions GAPF04Prépare-toi à rire en apprenant de petits trucs pour t’aider à : manipuler une brosse à...
Volume 4 - It's Fun Time!: Are You Ready? Series
GAPC Productions GAP004Everyday is exciting when you’re learning something new! Especially when you’re a kid getting...
Walking with our Sisters: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0702As of late 2013, the RCMP reported 1,181 Aboriginal women confirmed either missing or murdered...
Walking: Miracle Cure for Body and Soul
Autentic GMBH AUT000Is walking a miracle cure for body and soul? Today, people spend most of their time sitting down...
Walrus TV Series
Blue Ant Media BAM105Walrus TV segments promote debate on matters vital to our country. Featuring original documentaries...
Waltes: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season...
Buck Productions 300106As some of the group struggle with their new diet, and lack of food, they must use the last of...
War Canoe: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810001War Canoe (Episode 2): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw returns to his home territory to discover the sport...
War Canoe: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8101CSWar Canoe - Ep 2: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw returns to his home territory to discover the sport of...
War in Ukraine - Inside Kyiv: W5
CTV CTV890This one-hour W5 special takes you to the frontlines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the...
War Zone to School Zone
CTV CTV108Two students who have immigrated to Canada as refugees from Rwanda and Colombia describe how they...
Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810013Warrior Games is a youth-orientated television series that explores traditional Aboriginal sports...
Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8114CSWarrior Games is a youth-orientated television series that explores traditional Aboriginal sports...