Health and Medicine
1565 title(s) found.« First « Previous 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Next » Last »
The Royalcrest File: W5
CTV CTV030The care of senior citizens is a sacred trust. Families leave a valuable member in the care of...
The Science of Healing with Dr. Esther Sternberg
PBS Video 041277Author and medical researcher Dr. Esther Sternberg examines the role the brain plays in healing...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection #2 with Leslie...
CTV CTV524This collection of fifteen 4 to 5 minute Canadian video clips explores the science of nutrition and...
The Science of Nutrition Video Clips Collection with Leslie Beck
CTV CTV515This collection of 4 to 5 minute video clips explores the science of nutrition and will give...
The Skin: The Human Body Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG050Skin, the largest organ of the body, protects us in many ways. We explore its structure, its...
The Skinny on Solid Fats
Learning Seed 200335This program explains the different types of fat and why solid fats are harmful to your health (and...
The Sound of Learning: W5
CTV CTV947As a long-time member of the iconic Canadian band, The Barenaked Ladies, Kevin Hearn has played...
The Spanking Debate: Hands On or Hands Off?
Learning Seed 200337Does spanking work? What does it teach? One parent contends "If it's good enough for my dad, it's...
The Specter of Waves
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M024Forced to protect themselves and flee from exposure to the electromagnetic waves and fields that...
The Spirit of Sport
Hidden Story Productions Ltd. HS0007Told through the words of a diverse group of local amateur athletes, this four - part documentary...
The Stairs
Midnight Lamp Films Inc. MLF000The Stairs tells the story of Marty, Greg and Roxanne, who each survived decades of...
The Steins: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE039Sarah works with Keaton and his parents to develop skills that will allow Keaton to dress himself...
The Strep Connection: W5
CTV CTV655W5 investigates possible links between common infection and psychiatric and neurological disorders...
The Survivor: Connor Stevenson: W5
CTV CTV650Toronto's Eaton Centre is the busiest shopping mall in North America, but when a gunman opened fire...
The Transition - Gender Treatment for Children and Youth: W5
CTV CTV879W5's Daniele Hamamdjian speaks to young people who transitioned with different outcomes. Are the...
The Two Lives of Li Ermao
Blue Ant Media BAM1264Filmed over 17 years across Southern China, The Two Lives of Li Ermao is the intimate and heart...
The Ultimate Journey
WGBH WG0301From the maker of The Miracle of Life comes another astounding glimpse into the mysteries of life...
The Underys: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE035Tomas and Sarah work together on strategies for phone conversations. The Exceptional Life is a...
The Virus Within Us
Autentic GMBH AUT017They are the most common creatures on earth. They have been around forever and are considered...
The War Zone: W5
CTV CTV603Why did police use deadly force when they moved in to arrest a Canadian war veteran with PTSD...
The Ward
ID Productions ID0000We are in a crisis: While Canada consistently has one of the worst organ donor rates in the Western...
The Water Walker
Seeing Red Media SRM000The Water Walker is a short documentary, tracing the roots, passion and perseverance of teenaged...
The Way We Eat: What Food Means
Learning Seed 200125Do you live to eat or eat to live? Use The Way We Eat to introduce any course in foods or...
The Wild Garden: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 1
291 Film Company 291108A restaurateur forages for wild mushrooms to use in his world-renowned eatery. Sisters-in-law...
The Wisdom of Trauma (61 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP110Can your deepest brain be a doorway to healing? Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our...
The Wisdom of Trauma (88 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP109Can your deepest brain be a doorway to healing? Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our...
The Words Within: W5
CTV CTV407It's a lifelong disorder with no known cause or cure. Autism spectrum disorder affects...
The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP020Follow the lives of ten individuals with intellectual disabilities as they share their journey to...
The World of Bacteria
Human Relations Media 600247This video uses intriguing photomicrographs to lead us into the world of bacteria. The format of...
Theories of Development II
Magna Systems 520147Why do early child educators and parents need to understand the educational theories of...
Therapeutic Gardens: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 1
291 Film Company 291107Hospice patients use gardening as therapy, for the aging body. An engineer practices bonsai...
Thin Red Lines
CTV CTV042Hundreds of thousands of individuals cut and burn themselves to relieve feelings of depression and...
Think Before You Drink
Learning ZoneXpress 430186What we choose to quench our thirst matters more than you might think. Beverages are the single...
Think Twice: Marijuana and Cancer
Human Relations Media 600232This vivid program points out new research that links marijuana smoking with head and neck cancers...
Thinking About Abstinence
Human Relations Media 600407This eye opening video features diverse voices of real teens who proudly choose abstinence in their...
This Emotional Life
PBS Video 041194Hosted by Dr. Daniel Gilbert, Harvard psychologist and author. The series address issues organized...
This Is Your Brain on Tobacco: A Research Update
Human Relations Media 600465Program takes viewers inside a brain lab to show the latest research about the effects of nicotine...
This Is Your Brain on Tobacco: A Research Update (Interactive...
Human Relations Media 600465WBProgram takes viewers inside a brain lab to show the latest research about the effects of nicotine...
This Small
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE004Length of gestation: 25 weeks. This is the threshold of viability for premature children. When a...
Three Drops
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV038Everyone will lose someone they love at some point, death being our one, universal certainty. But...
Ticked Off: The Mystery of Lyme Disease
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI095Lyme disease, a mysterious tick-borne illness, is the fastest spreading vector-borne disease. Over...
Til Death Do Us Part: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT002What does it do to a relationship when the caregiver is your partner? Nancy (63 years old) and her...
To Hell and Back: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0693Hobbema, Alberta is home of the Muskwachees First Nation, one of the most notorious reserves in...
To Make a Farm
Orangeville Road Pictures ORP000Named one of the ten most popular Canadian films at the Vancouver International Film Festival, To...
To The Max: Eating and Exercising for Maximum Health
Human Relations Media 600271One-fourth of all school-age children are overweight and one-eighth are obese making excess weight...
Tobacco and Death: Perfect Together
Human Relations Media 600388Documentary interviews of real people whose lives have been ravaged by tobacco use are intertwined...
Tobacco Horror Picture Show
Human Relations Media 600186This video combines humor with horror in a way that will be memorable for young people. It "shows...
Magna Systems 520117As children grow into toddlerhood, they begin to assert their independence. This fascinating period...
Magna Systems 520116The toddler stage of physical development begins when the little one first discovers walking. The...
Toddlers - Cognitive Development: Toddlers Series
Learning Seed 200235Everyday a toddler's mind is filled with new information. Their vocabulary expands as they...