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Health and Medicine

1565 title(s) found.

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Magna Systems 520079

The search for identity is one of the major tasks of adolescence. Their relationship with their...

Social and Emotional Development: Middle Childhood

Magna Systems 520158

Between ages 6 and 12, children develop many of the social skills they'll use through adulthood...

Social and Emotional Development: Preschoolers Series

Magna Systems 520154

Preschoolers are creative, curious and active experimenters that learn about themselves and their...

Social Theory and Crime Series

Shortcutstv Ltd STV016

This series is designed to introduce three major sociological theories of crime. Includes the...

Society 2.0: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series

AB Productions A296-S04-05

No human being born a hundred years ago could live in the space in which we move today. In this...

Soldier's Journey: W5


W5 speaks with Newfoundland's Cassidy Little, an ex-solider and the lead in the British production...

Something in the Water - Are Canadians Drinking Asbestos?: W5


W5 investigates the threat of asbestos cement pipes buried underground across Canada. These pipes...

Sommets: dans les coulisses des négociations européennes

Beliane F242-S01

Sommets est un récit documentaire exclusif en deux parties dans l'intimité des négociations des...

Sorghum: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED13

Sorghum is the fifthh most produced grain in the world, after wheat, maize, rice and barley...

Speak Out On Suicide: Canada AM


SPEAK OUT ON SUICIDE is part of a week-long 2+ hour series on CANADA AM during Mental Illness...

Spear: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...

Buck Productions 300077

After a night spent apart, tensions rise among both groups. While the split brings a sense of...


Magna Systems 520018

Early adulthood comes with its own problem areas and special concerns. It's during this time that...

Spelt: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED07

Spelt contains nutrients most modern varieties of wheat lack. Higher in protein, fibre and complex...

Spice Up Your Life – Vancouver, BC: Kid Diners Series

Farpoint Films FAR014

Aynalem and Xander are in Vancouver, BC, looking to spice up their lives! Xander kicks things up a...

Spider and the Drum: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk...

Buck Productions 300110

A long paddle takes the group to a small island in the middle of the lake, upon arriving at the new...

SpiderMable: A Real Life Superhero Story

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE102

In the typical comic book superhero story arc, tragedy strikes, a superpower is revealed, and the...

Spillover- Zika, Ebola & Beyond

PBS Video 041851

In 2015, Brazilian health officials were caught by surprise when they discovered that Zika, a...

Spit This! The Hazards of Smokeless Tobacco

Human Relations Media 600515

Give your students the facts to counter the recent 30% rise in male adolescent smokeless tobacco...


PVP Doc V Inc.. F261-004

Sport-partum est un documentaire qui suit les dernières performances de trois athlètes canadiens...

Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE093

The dynamics of science behind the sports we play! A celebration of sports and getting active...

Squash (Angles): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE108

Young Noah wants to take his squash game to the next level, so Dr. Heather sends guest pro Maria to...

Stacked Odds: W5


Approximately 35,000 Canadians die every year as a result of medical errors in hospitals and...

STDs: Just the Facts PowerPoint Presentation

Human Relations Media 600476PP

This PowerPoint Presentation provides the latest statistics and other vital information about...

Steve's Journey: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810012

Steve's Journey (Episode 13): "What a long strange trip it's been." Host Steve Sxwithul'txw looks...

Steve's Journey: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8112CS

Steve's Journey - Ep 13: "What a long strange trip it's been." Host Steve Sxwithul'txw looks back...

Straight Talk about Sexting and Messaging

Human Relations Media 600670

True life stories offer cautionary tales about the dangers of sexting and anonymous messaging on...

Straight Talk about Sexual Harassment

Human Relations Media 600689

This program encourages viewers to reflect on the cultural messages that have shaped their own...

Straight Talk Series

Human Relations Media 600517

Using a unique drama format combined with a documentary style, these three complete video/print...

Straight Talk: The Truth about Alcohol and Sex

Human Relations Media 600516

Using a unique drama format combined with a documentary style, this video/print package memorably...

Straight Talk: The Truth about STDs

Human Relations Media 600463

STDs are a big problem for teens. This total curriculum package teaches teens that STDs are still...

Straight Talk: The Truth about STDs (Whiteboard Version)

Human Relations Media 600463WB

STDs are a big problem for teens. This total curriculum package teaches teens that STDs are still...

Straight Talk: The Truth about Teen Pregnancy

Human Relations Media 600505

Using an entertaining style that seamlessly combines documentary and narrative formats, this...

Street Legal: Deadly Salvia: W5


It's easier to buy than cigarettes or alcohol, even for minors. W5's Victor Malarek investigates...

Stress Through The Ages: Canada AM


Don't worry, be happy! Stress is an unavoidable part of life but how do we prevent it from taking...



Stress-Rage: Feature on work place stress. Stress-Sex: He was so stressed that he turned to...

Stress: The Good, the Bad and the Healthy

Human Relations Media 600598

One-third of all teens feel some negative stress on a daily basis. But not all stress is bad. A...

Stroke - The Price of Rapid Evolution: Origins Of Disease: An...

Film Ideas FI0071

The human brain has undergone dramatic evolutionary advances. Today, however, many people suffer...

Stronger, Tougher, Smarter: Stories of Teen Resilience

Human Relations Media 600627

Program focuses on five stories of teens who prove that it is possible to "bounce back" from...

Struggle (x̌ʷx̌ʷwilx): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...

Buck Productions 300092

Tempers reach a boiling point when the newest member questions if they can continue the journey...

Styles of Parenting

Learning Seed 200053

How do we pass on to our children the capacity to love and create, as well as our insecurities, bad...

Substance Abuse PowerPoint Pack

Human Relations Media 600485PP

Derived from our popular Overhead Transparencies Pack, this extensive CD provides more than 130...

Sudden Impact: After the Crash

Human Relations Media 600323

Drunk driving crashes: they happen every day, and when they do, the reporting on the nightly news...

Suicide Watch: W5


Every year, patients are admitted to hospitals when families or authorities believe they pose a...

Super Bug Killers: W5


A cystic fibrosis patient infected with a dangerous superbug has become one of the first Canadians...

Sur le fil de Zika

Grand Angle Productions F173-040

Zika, ce petit mot plutôt sympathique est le nom d’une forêt en Ouganda, où le virus du même...

Surviving the Teenage Brain

Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI096

Surviving The Teenage Brain will forever change your perception of what teenagers are all about...

Survivors Rowe

Loud Roar Productions LRP003

For almost twenty years Ralph Rowe held a unique esteem in the isolated First Nation Reserves of...

Suspect Zero: W5


W5's Avery Haines investigates the disturbing tip that sparked the massive probe into men who...

Suspended and the Art of Forgiveness

Refuge 31 Films R31007

The story follows Winnipeg artist Cliff Derksen as he sculpts, paints and teaches art. For Cliff...

Sweet Revenge: Turning the Tables on Processed Food

PBS Video 041783

For years we have been told that type 2 diabetes, liver and heart disease are caused by eating too...

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