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Health and Medicine

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Toddlers - Physical Development: Toddlers Series

Learning Seed 200234

After about a year of life, when a child consistently -- and independently --gets from point A to B...

Toddlers - Social & Emotional Development: Toddlers Series

Learning Seed 200236

From raging tantrums to fits of giggles, it's no secret that toddlers are skilled at expressing...

Toddlers Series

Learning Seed 200238

Observe toddlers as they develop in the following three programs: Toddlers: Physical...


Learning Seed 200164

One-year olds sleep a lot. In their "spare time" they figure out how to use over six hundred...

Together Again: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk...

Buck Productions 300113

Life-changing and unforgettable, the journey is reflected upon by the group months later. In a...

Tomas Conversations: The Exceptional Life Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE036

Tomas and Sara work together to develop conversational skills so that Tomas can get along better...

Tomorrow's Power (52 Minute Version)

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE021

TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...

Tomorrow's Power (76 Minute Version)

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE019

TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...

Too Much: The Extreme Danger of Binge Drinking

Human Relations Media 600386

Against the backdrop of Spring Break overindulgence in Panama City, Florida, this documentary...

Top 5 Food Mistakes Most Teens Make & How to Fix Them

Human Relations Media 600594

Pizza or pasta? Steak, chicken or beans? Whole milk or 2%? This lively program focuses on teen...

Top Ten Myths About Alcohol and Drugs

Human Relations Media 600387

Too many teens are either ignorant about the dangers of drugs or are in denial about the hazards...

Top Ten Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol

Human Relations Media 600653

Teen viewers will be riveted by the facts and information on this 10-point countdown. Just let the...

Torch: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...

Buck Productions 300083

The three canoes deftly take to the water and cross a windy lake towards a signal fire. Past and...

Toronto - Jay Soule: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310013

Jay Soule is a multidisciplinary artist known as “Chippewar” in the Indigenous community. His...

Total Health: Becoming Physically Fit Series

Human Relations Media 600309

This three-part video series will get students excited about the long- and short-term benefits of...

Total Recall: W5


Avis Favaro interviews Emily Nash, a Canadian teen who has a highly superior autobiographical...

Totally Disgusting Alcohol Gross Out Video

Human Relations Media 600638

This devastating video, a brand new companion piece to our best-selling Totally Disgusting Gross...

Totally Disgusting Tobacco Gross Out Video

Human Relations Media 600413

As the title suggests, this video goes for the gross-out factor, presenting students with a graphic...

Totally Disgusting Tobacco Gross Out Video (Interactive...

Human Relations Media 600413WB

As the title suggests, this video goes for the gross-out factor, presenting students with a graphic...

Totally True Facts About Alcohol

Human Relations Media 600520

Features clear information about various types of alcoholic beverages and their alcohol levels...

Totally True Facts About Drugs In The Home

Human Relations Media 600524

Thoroughly examines the difference between using medications safely and abusing them to get high...

Totally True Facts About Inhalants

Human Relations Media 600523

Clearly defines inhalants and explains why they are so deadly. Includes information about their...

Totally True Facts About Marijuana

Human Relations Media 600522

Examines how marijuana causes short term problems including anxiety, distorted perceptions and...

Totally True Facts About Tobacco

Human Relations Media 600521

Presents hard-hitting information about tobacco's toxic ingredients, including the highly addictive...

Touch: Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series

Ideacom International A266-S02-01

The sense of touch is an invisible force of human nature. Not only does it perceive tiny elements...

TOUGH ROADS: Teen Parents Tell Their Stories

Human Relations Media 600108

This powerful video enters the lives of five young parents--male and female, of various races--who...

Toxic Atmosphere: Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03-04

Industries, mining, air transport, cars ... our planet is suffocating as air pollution has become...

Toxic Crisis: W5


It’s the toxic drug supply; an epidemic within the pandemic. Never before in the history of...

Toxic Life Cycle Of A Cigarette

Human Relations Media 600643

Most people know that smoking is bad for your health, but what about the lesser known effects of...

Toxic Relationships

Human Relations Media 600218

Unchecked physical and emotional violence learned at an early age can too easily become domestic...

Track and Field (Centre of Gravity): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE095

Anjelina is a young sprinter looking to move faster out of the blocks. Pro Ashlea demonstrates her...

Tracking Zika

Grand Angle Productions A173-037

Zika, a cute little name of a forest in Uganda has become synonymous with a mosquito-born...

Trampoline (Hooke's Law - Elasticity): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE102

Young gymnast Nya learns how Hooke's Law relates to the trampoline. Springs secure the mat to the...

Trap (sn̓ ʕacús): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...

Buck Productions 300091

The return of one adventurer and addition of another gives the group hope as their search for food...

Trap: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 11

Buck Productions 300061

Low energy and missing home and family is straining nerves. Needing to move on they welcome a...

Trash Talk: Shift Series

Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF001

What happens to our garbage after we throw it away? Over 300 millions tonnes of solid waste is...

Trauma And Healing: Childhood Trauma Series

Magna Systems 520034

Adults who have suffered trauma in childhood often have difficulty expressing anger. This program...

Trauma: Prison Series 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1343

**Contains course language** In this final episode of the award-winning series director Paddy...

Trouble in Paradise: W5


In 2013, the government of British Columbia granted the owners of a landfill site located directly...

True North: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0707

From Carcross in the Yukon Territory to the far reaches of Nunavut, life in Canada’s north can be...

Twice Born: Stories from the Special Delivery Unit

PBS Video 041791

This three - part miniseries steps inside the groundbreaking medical frontier of fetal surgery with...

Uncharted Waters

Molly Dennis MODE00

Uncharted Waters celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/Atl’ka7tsem (UNESCO...

Unconquered: W5


The one-hour documentary UNCONQUERED provides an on-the-ground look at Canada's veterans of the...

Underage Drinking: Is It Worth It?

Human Relations Media 600602

Underage drinking is a national epidemic. The risks are sky-high for teens and for our communities...

UNDERAGE DRINKING: Know the Facts, Know the Risks

Human Relations Media 600293

This no-nonsense program lays out the straight facts about underage drinking. Alcohol abuse is...

Understanding and Preventing Sexual Violence

Human Relations Media 600600

The Centers for Disease Control reports that 8% of high school students have experienced sexual...

Understanding and Treating Binge Eating

Human Relations Media 600552

A new Harvard University study found that binge eating is the most common eating disorder among...

Understanding Childbirth: Beginnings of Life Series

Learning Seed 200292

A lot happens between the onset of labor and the first moments of a new life. This program explores...

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Human Relations Media 600464

In this video, viewers meet Jodee, a teenager who is afflicted with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)...

Understanding Gender: Identity, Biology and Expression

Human Relations Media 600673

This program explores the modern gender spectrum. Experts Dr. Eli Green, Jaymie Campbell, and...

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