Health and Medicine
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Nuclear Tomb: W5
CTV CTV711W5's Lloyd Robertson heads to Kincardine, Ontario, an idyllic cottage destination along the banks...
Nurses - If Florence Could See Us Now (52 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP046Nurses play a critical role in our health care system and have touched the lives of just about...
Nurses - If Florence Could See Us Now (92 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP047Nurses play a critical role in our health care system and have touched the lives of just about...
Nurturing Baby Care - Volume II: Taking Care of Baby: Tips and...
Learning ZoneXpress 430034As babies grow, they learn more about their surroundings. Nurturing them will help babies explore...
Nutrition (Revised): Developing Child Series
Magna Systems 520130Nutrition is important throughout a person's life, beginning in the womb! Our program on Nutrition...
Nutrition Basics: Why Food Matters
Learning Seed 200175Explore the "why" of nutrition Each of us eats about fifty tons of food in a lifetime. From this...
Nutrition Labels: Reading Between the Lines
Learning Seed 200329Whether you're explaining Trans Fat or how to balance calories, this video supports your efforts...
Nutrition Starts Here: Smart Eating on a Budget
Learning ZoneXpress 430200Develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime and join Chef Marshall O'Brien as he shares...
Nutrition: Myths & Facts
Human Relations Media 600475Carbs are bad; Grapefruit will make you lose weight; Red meat is unhealthy...Today's teens are...
Nutrition: Myths & Facts (Interactive Whiteboard Version)
Human Relations Media 600475WBCarbs are bad... Grapefruit will make you lose weight... Red meat is unhealthy... Today's teens are...
Streel Films SF0000The dramatic increase of the North Dakota population, following the oil boom, has come with an...
Obesity in a Bottle
Learning ZoneXpress 430041What type of beverage do you reach for when you're with friends? The choices you make have the...
Obesity in a Bottle (PowerPoint)
Learning ZoneXpress 430063PPFrom sodas and sports drinks to smoothies, students are surrounded by many beverage options...
Obesity in a Bottle II
Learning ZoneXpress 430143Empty calories from sugar and fat found in many favorite beverages are adding inches to Americans...
Obesity: Why Are We Getting So Fat?
Human Relations Media 600342Huge portion sizes, fat-filled diets, too much TV/video games and not enough exercise are common...
Observation: The Developing Child
Magna Systems 520123This video shows that much of what we know about children is learned through observation. Using the...
Ode to My Father
Prairie Boy Productions PBP002A year after the loss of his dad to suicide, Mexican Canadian musician and filmmaker Jorge Requena...
Of Mice and Monkeys: Ethical Issues in Animal Research
Shortcutstv Ltd STV033Research on non-human animals has played a massive part in the development of psychology. Maybe key...
CTV CTV168W-FIVE looks at a new medical treatment -- hypothermia therapy -- and how it helped save the lives...
On Key: W5
CTV CTV704One of Canada's most notable music producers is opening up about his struggle with depression and...
On The Brink: W5
CTV CTV417They are frustrated. They are angry. They are going broke. They are parents who insist governments...
On Their Own: W5
CTV CTV341A group of young people with disabilities embark on a three-week summer camp program at Ryerson...
One Gay City: A History of LGBT Life in Winnipeg
Past Perfect Productions/6801260 Manitoba Inc. PPP001From a deeply closeted culture to a more open and out society, "One Gay City: A History of LGBT...
Only One
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF006A woman with a turbulent past confronts the fact that she is the only visible transgender person...
Ontario's Garden: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF011During the COVID-19 pandemic things that required face-to-face contact became difficult to do...
Oooh La La French Cuisine! - Winnipeg, MB: Kid Diners Series
Farpoint Films FAR019Aynalem and Xander are in Winnipeg, MB exploring French cuisine. Xander forages in the forest for...
Open Wide: W5
CTV CTV898W5 investigates shocking allegations made against a Nova Scotia pediatric dentist that were sparked...
Opioids Epidemic: How I Became A Heroin Addict
Human Relations Media 600669With approximately 28,000 overdose deaths a year it's very clear that America has a serious opioid...
Opioids: Addiction, Overdose and Death
Human Relations Media 600682This program, aimed at middle school and high school students clearly describes the dangers of...
Orchestra of the Senses: Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series
Ideacom International A266-S02-05Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell send sensory messages to the brain at a speed of 430 km/hr...
Organic Panic: Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF002What does "organic" really mean? Should you eat it? And why does it cost more at the grocery...
Origins And Skills
Magna Systems 520161See children exploring and strengthening their reading and writing skills as they move towards...
Origins Of Disease: An Evolutionary Perspective
Film Ideas FI0067Human's first ancestors appeared in Africa about 7 million years ago. As these early humans began...
Ouch! Finding Stuff Out, Season 4
Apartment 11 APT061“Why is there pain?” Cuts, bee stings, broken bones – no one likes pain. But Zoey discovers...
Our Spaces: Walrus TV (Episode 5)
Blue Ant Media BAM110In a world so bursting with information, it’s easy to forget that spaces we live, work, and play...
Our Table
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810017A Gulf Island BC First Nation helps understand the protection of our oceans and...
Out of the Wild: W5
CTV CTV452Lyme disease is often called "the great imitator" because it presents like a variety of different...
Over My Dead Body
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M012Dancer and choreographer, Dave St-Pierre is acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, and his...
Over The Edge (W5)
CTV CTV362It was the picture of the perfect Toronto family - David Carmichael, a nationally-known fitness...
Overdose Epidemic: What Can Be Done to Stop It?
Human Relations Media 600637The spike in drug overdose is alarming and dangerous - it has become an epidemic in many...
Overloaded: Ten Ways to Deal with Stress
Human Relations Media 600675Surprisingly, most stress burdened teens and young adults are not aware of many of the proven ways...
Pain Warriors
Visionary Media Inc. VMI000There are no marathon runs for chronic pain, no walks for its cure. Yet chronic pain disables some...
Magna Systems 520168See and Learn: • How to supervise painting at an easel. • The advantages of different...
Pandemic Pandemonium: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM702Despite modern medicine, a global pandemic like the Spanish influenza of 1918 could kill millions...
Eduflix Group AB KMG003The word pandemic comes from Greek and means “pertaining to all people”. At the end of 2019...
Para Alpine Skiing (Drag Forces/Air Resistance): Sports Lab...
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE114Guest pro Erin heads out to the giant slalom course to meet Nykeem and Sarah, a tenacious young...
Parent un jour, Parent toujours 1
CinéFête F150-S15Parent un jour, parent toujours est une série documentaire pratique qui donne des trucs et astuces...
Parenthood: Are You Prepared?
Human Relations Media 600462Parenthood is a very tough, long-term commitment. That's the take-home message of this...
Parenthood: Early Adulthood
Magna Systems 520020Parenthood is both rewarding and challenging. How do young adults adjust to these responsibilities...
Parenting Principles
Learning ZoneXpress 430185Positive parenting begins by creating an emotionally healthy environment for children to grow...
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