Home / Parenthood: Early Adulthood
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Catalogue Number: 520020
ISBN Number: 1-55740-449-6
Producer: Magna Systems
Producing Agencies: Magna Systems
Subject: Health and Medicine
Language: English
Grade Level: Educators
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 1999
Running Time: 28:31
Closed Captions: Yes
Parenthood: Early Adulthood

Catalogue Number: 520020
ISBN Number: 1-55740-449-6
Producer: Magna Systems
Producing Agencies: Magna Systems
Subject: Health and Medicine
Language: English
Grade Level: Educators
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 1999
Running Time: 28:31
Closed Captions: Yes
Parenthood is both rewarding and challenging. How do young adults adjust to these responsibilities? What are the common myths and misconceptions our society holds about parenting, and what are the truths? And what about the concerns and needs of those who are step-, foster or adoptive parents? We address all of these issues, and also describe and assess different styles of parenting.
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