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Home / World Of Work, The: Early Adulthood

World Of Work, The: Early Adulthood

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Catalogue Number:  520021
ISBN Number:  1-55740-450-X
Producer:  Magna Systems
Subject:  Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  1999
Running Time:  29
Closed Captions:  Yes

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It's during young adulthood that many people begin working for the first time, and this can present a real challenge. What role does work play in a young adult's life? How can educators and parents prepare and support young adults as they enter the workforce? We take a close look at the occupational cycle of the typical adult and the issues faced by dual-career couples. Viewers are also introduced to the major theories of career development. An excellent program for young teachers, this is also very useful for those who have been educators for years. The employment scene has changed over time, and those changes impact the experiences of young adults. Our up-to-date research reflects the realities of the modern workforce and offers tips and tricks on how to help students not only cope with it, but succeed in it.

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