First Nations Studies
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Dream, Dream, Dream: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI015Gwayum is worried about Widi's day-dreaming, so Frog tells her about the earliest times before the...
Dreamcatchers: W5
CTV CTV136Laurie Gaucher and Wendy Big Charles, two Cree Canadians from Alberta overcome unimaginable...
Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR014Drug Class, the television series, is a half-hour 11-part series about the efforts of six young...
Du repos pour tante Lolette: Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800254Thème : Respecter la tranquillité des autres quand ils sont malades et ont besoin de se...
Duck!: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0411ADVENTURE: Ducks Unlimited has played an important part in helping to manage the wetlands all over...
Dust n' Bones (52 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS03Dust n’ Bones is a documentary that examines the legal issues, political controversies and...
Dust n' Bones (70 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS02Dust n’ Bones is a documentary that examines the legal issues, political controversies and...
Dwellings: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0006Our Science Questers visit Chief Calvin Craigan of the shíshálh (Sechelt) Nation and their...
Dzunuk'wa Will Spook Ya: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0797Doc sends Hayley to Bindercon in Comox, a Sasquatch conference. She meets organizer Thomas Sewid...
Eagle & Hawk Take the Stage
Refuge 31 Films R31009Widely considered the most celebrated Indigenous music group, Eagle & Hawk is a much celebrated and...
Earth and Balance - Part 1: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0037Coyote markers are balancing rock monuments and pillars that mark territorial boundaries. Each...
Earth and Balance - Part 2: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0038Twelve thousand years ago, the glacial waters of the Thompson basin drained, creating many lakes...
Earth Day Playlist (4 Programs)
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI705PLThis Canadian-produced playlist offers an excellent history of Earth Day plus loads of ideas for...
Earth Day: How Can I Help?
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI067In 1963, Senator Gaylord Nelson from the United States began to worry about our planet. He noted...
Earth Rangers: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0405ADVENTURE: The Earth Rangers is a hugely successful non-profit organization that reaches out to...
Earth Science: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0009Host Isa is planting some cornflower (centaurea cyanus) and mint, both plants loved by bees. Bees...
East Coast Eeling: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 10
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100610Using specially designed and handcrafted spears, Sam and Chuck brave coastal waters late at night...
Eau secours! Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800249Thème : Même ce qui ne paraît pas peut être nocif pour l'environnement Pam a teint un t-shirt...
Echoes of the Hunt
Five2Nine Inc. 529002Wolf Lake First Nation (WLFN) is one of ten communities representing the Algonquin Nation. The Wolf...
Eclipses: Cosmic Vistas, Season 5
Blue Ant Media BAM146What do we learn when the Earth’s shadow eclipses the moon or the moon passes in front of the...
Eco - Creatures: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0313In this adventure we learn about species helping the planet and people helping species. ADVENTURE...
Eco - Folk: Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0309In this episode we check out the environmental initiatives of the Winnipeg Folk...
Edmonton, Michel First Nation - Keith Callihoo: Skindigenous...
Nish Media 310060Multidisciplinary Kanien'keháka (Mohawk) artist Keith Callihoo maintains his relationship to the...
Edmonton: Aboriginal Day Live 2017
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0198From Edmonton, Alberta, hosts Ashley Callingbull and Pakesso Mukash introduce a myriad of...
Édouard: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 4
7059213 Canada Inc. 310078FRTrame du passé : Après un été trop court, Kiwedin et Wabikoni doivent à nouveau quitter leurs...
Education - Treaty 4: Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0751Erin Goodpipe gives birth to her first child which brings both an immediate and long-term...
Elder in the Making Series
Hidden Story Productions Ltd. HS0000The intent of early Canadians was in retrospect clear: to make way for the railway to unite the...
Electric Pow Wow: A Tribe Called Red: W5
CTV CTV706If you're an indigenous person living in a country that was forcefully colonized, it's all too...
Emily - Mohawk, Montreal, QC: Raven's Quest, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT004Emily is an 11-year-old Mohawk girl who lives in Montreal, Quebec. Emily is a huge fan of dancing...
En route pour l’Ouest (Ep 11) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...
Pleiades Productions MUME21FRLes monteurs-assembleurs doivent souvent se déplacer loin de chez eux pour trouver du travail. Un...
En route pour New York (Ep 6) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...
Pleiades Productions MUME16FRDans les années 20, la ville de New York est devenue la destination la plus populaire chez les...
Enfolding: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0624Victoria-based Cree songwriter Tara Williamson reflects on the heartache of losing her infant son...
Enos Collins: Canada 1812: Le Baptême du feu
Blue Ant Media BAMF06Navigatuer et entrepreneur de la côte est, il creé sa proper flotte pour s'emparer des vaisseaux...
Énska Iawén:re Ieioiénhton (Ep 11) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME21INRonhténtie’skwe ne ronnón:kwe, ratiio’tenhsherisákhe’skwe, “booming out”...
Environment: 1491 - The Untold Story of the Americas Before...
1491 Productions Inc. 149102For thousands of years Indigenous people have caused significant changes to the natural environment...
Environmental Sustainability and Responsibility Playlist
MCI736Engage students and foster responsible environmental citizenship with this collection of 24...
Epic Water - Anishnawbe Nibi
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV058Members of the Matawa First Nations share what water means to them. Water is life, it is a gift, it...
Erica Violet Lee: “Our Bodies and Lands are not Your...
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0026Erica is a grad student in Social Justice, Indigenous feminist, and community organizer from...
Etthén Heldeli: Caribou Eaters
291 Film Company 291112Etthén Heldeli: Caribou Eaters travels with Déné First Nations people in Canada’s north, as...
Evan Adams: All Our Relations, Season 2
Aarrow Productions AP0035Evan Adams: Tla’amin actor and medical doctor Evan Adams has acted in dozens of television series...
Expedition: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300109Back amongst the others, Britt wants to provide for her friends and invites Ethan to help her...
Extreme Cold: Finding Stuff Out, Season 4
Apartment 11 APT053“Can I freeze myself and then come back to life?” Why do things change when they’re frozen...
F is for Friends: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0269Tiga is bored until he discovers the Fuh sound. Fuh is for fun and Fuh is for friends. Kokum takes...
Faces in the Land with Dempsey Bob: Landscape as Muse, Season 4
291 Film Company 291064Tahltan-Tlingit artist Dempsey Bob has devoted a lifetime to the craft of woodcarving. His work...
Fairies in the Rock: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0050Tom sends Shayla to Newfoundland to see if their fairies are evil like the Bell Island fairies or...
Fairy Tale/Tropical Paradise: Louis Says Season 3
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0020Join Randy as he helps Louis take pictures of the Athisitiniwak (people) for Mrs. Charles.
Fairy Tale/Tropical Paradise: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree Version)
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC020Join Randy as he helps Louis take pictures of the Athisitiniwak (people) for Mrs. Charles. Please...
Farm Troubles: W5
CTV CTV731CTV's Peter Akman investigates the farming of Atlantic salmon in B.C., a fish whose very existence...
Farming and Foraging: Wild Kitchen Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP006Wild Kitchen celebrates our rich cultural practices and unearths forgotten recipes inspired by the...
Favourite Foods: Stories of the North Series
102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102108Natanis asks Mooshum about where we get food. He tells her how his mom always planted a garden and...