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Something to Remember: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0109

T-Bear volunteers for an unknown task to avoid decorating the community rink for the Wapos Bay...

Space Command, We Have A Goldfish!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1

Sardine Productions SAR044

Beanie wins the school science fair, and arrives home to find Space Agency representatives at his...

Spider and String: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR099

A lovely spider is making a big beautiful web at the corner of the window. Manon needs to open it...

Spider: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR139E

Big Bear and Squeak clean up the cave. They almost sweep up a spider and then discover another...

Spiders and Dreams: Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI021

Dza is having nightmares. She cannot sleep and is confused and scared. This series follows the...

Spinning Webs: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON574

Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are playing soccer with Tom, Alice, and Igor when they discover a spider...

Spirit Bear : échos du passé (Sous-titres en français)

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC008FR

Après plus d'une décennie en tant qu'ourson avocat, Spirit Bear a besoin de vacances et il...

Spirit Bear: Echoes of the Past

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC008

After more than a decade as a Bearrister, Spirit Bear needs a vacation – and he's taking his...

Spirit Bear: Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC006

This stop-motion animation of the book by the same name was adapted for screen by Michif animator...

Spirit Bear: Honouring Memories, Planting Dreams

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC007

Spirit Bear is visiting Algonquin territory when he meets Jake, a friendly dog with a bag full of...

Spirit Bear: Rendre hommage aux souvenirs, semer des rêves...

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC007FR

Spirit Bear visite le territoire algonquin lorsqu'il rencontre Jake, un gentil chien qui porte un...

Spots: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON656

Luna and her family are visiting the Wolong Reserve in China. The trio notice that the pandas all...

Spring Colours: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR003

Mr. Maurice is thrilled when Mia offers to do the spring decoration at the Store. Mia wants to take...

Spring Orchestra: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON004

Ping and Pong ask Mr. Prickles to become their conductor, but he gets stage fright and they must...

Square Dance: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON016

Matilda and Ping do a square dance so Matilda can learn about the different types of dance. PING...

Squirrel Away: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM140

When Seymour finds his Great, Great Grandpappy’s treasure map, the Adventure Rangers volunteer...

Squirrel Food: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0037

Today, Louis asks Randy to help Mr. Thompson by bringing him pakânipimiy (peanut butter).

Squirrel: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR125E

Big Bear and Squeak are bird watching in the forest. They find a blue jay, a cardinal and the...

Starlight, Starbright: Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI019

The children sit outside looking up at the stars, wondering how they came to take the shapes that...

Staying Dry: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON613

On a picnic down by the lake, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde see some ducks swimming. When they take a...

Stinker!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1

Sardine Productions SAR051

Inspired by the horrible mess that Beanie has cooked up for his mother's breakfast, Admiral Bubbles...

Stories from the Seventh Fire Series – The Four Seasons

Reel Girls Media REEL03

The award-winning series, Stories from the Seventh Fire was inspired by a prophecy from an Ojibway...

Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102100

Stories of the North tells simple Indigenous stories in a fun and positive manner. The series is...

Story Time: Lili and Lola Series, Season 3

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB259

Lili and Lola have very different ideas about how to get into the Story Tellers Wall of Fame at the...

Strangel: The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe

Monster Entertainment MON234

*Warning: Sensitive Content - This film deals with the subject of suicide. STRANGEL tells the...

Stranger Among Us: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE68

A famous rabbit, Ricardo, won't sing at the town festival because his fur has changed color. It...

Strawberry Elves: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR098

Manon, Bingo the dog and Melba the cat are collecting strawberries. It's the right time of year...

Strong As An Ant: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON492

Clyde’s ferret cookies are mysteriously growing legs and walking away! Upon closer examination...

Stuck on You: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON595

The trio is surprised to find themselves in funny little prickly things after a hike on the ranch...

Summer at the Cabin: Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102104

Mooshum tells his granddaughter why it’s important to learn their language. He has many wonderful...

Sunset Celebration: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...

Epic Story Media ESM134

Beck, Brooke and the Adventure Rangers are in tizzy getting ready for the big celebration. But when...

Super Helpful: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM130

Chip, the Fixer-Upper is eager to fix every broken thing in town but his superfast repairs only...

Super Hop est là! : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM229FR

Grâce à une série de coïncidences, Hop est persuadé d’avoir des super-pouvoirs. Mais lorsque...

Super Poulpette : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM136FR

Poulpi suit l'exemple de sa superhéroïne, Super-Poulpette, quand vient le temps de régler des...

Super Strong: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON611

When the trio see Grandpa and Galileo using pulleys and levers to do some really heavy work, it...

Swan: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR120E

Big Bear and Squeak receive a holiday card in their mailbox on a snowy winter day. Together they...

Sweet Sweet Fruit: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON610

George is helping Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde pick oranges in the orchard. Jupiter wants to try a...

Sweetheart's Dance!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1

Sardine Productions SAR046

Needing to pick up his thermonuclear device, Admiral Bubbles constructs a replica of a human...

Tales of Wesakechak - How Wesakechak Got His Name (Summer)...

Reel Girls Media REEL06

Wesakechak hates his name and convinces the Creator to give everyone new names hoping he can...

Tales of Wesakechak - The First Spring Flood (Spring): Stories...

Reel Girls Media REEL04

A story about the power of friendship and co-operation. In the time before there were people on...

Tales of Wesakechak - Wesakechak and The Medicine (Autumn)...

Reel Girls Media REEL08

In the time before people, Wesakechak was big brother to the birds and animals. He was their...

Tales of Wesakechak - Why the Rabbit Turns White (Winter)...

Reel Girls Media REEL10

Weshakechak neglects his responsibilities and is punished by the Creator. Without his powers...

Taste Bud Buddies - How Do Taste Buds Work? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-05-18

To help his pal enjoy more flavors, Jack modifies some of Nico’s taste buds, causing his tongue...

Tears, Tears, Tears: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON599

Luna is intrigued when an onion brings tears to Grandpa’s eyes. Why would an onion make him cry...

Terracteur secret! Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)

Sardine Productions SAR055FR

Durant les vacances estivales, Beanie doit passer deux semaines sur la ferme de ses grands-parents...

Terrific Tentacles: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON661

Luna and her family are in Portugal, on an oceanographic research and cleaning boat. When Luna and...

Terror in Doomsville: Halloween Special

Monster Entertainment MON229

Are you in the mood for a good horror story? Well the truck drivers from Doomsville can help you...

Thanks But No Thanks: Lili and Lola Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB067

Sam comes over for lunch. Lili's Aunt is making delicious Persian food, only he can't jump in and...

That Just Rained Smell: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON483

It’s a good thing Luna’s wearing her favourite rain boots as a sudden shower comes along while...

That’s Opera Pong!: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON038

Pong insists in saying that he doesn’t like opera, but Ping, Matilda and Mr. Prickles are...

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