Strong As An Ant: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Catalogue Number: MON492
Producer: Monster Entertainment
Producers: Rozzino, Ricardo
Directors: Catunda, Célia
Subject: Animation, Early Childhood Education, Nature, Science
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2
Country Of Origin: Brazil
Copyright Year: 2014
Running Time: 12:04
Clyde’s ferret cookies are mysteriously growing legs and walking away! Upon closer examination, Luna and Jupiter discover that it’s actually little ants that are carrying the treats away. But how can such little itty bitty ants carry such big pieces of food? Upon transforming into little ants themselves, the gang discovers what’s behind the ants’ amazing feats and how they use teamwork to get especially large pieces.
Educational Objective:
Demonstrate that what actually makes ants so super strong and able to carry such proportionally big things, is actually the fact that they are so small.
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