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1 minute au musée

Films de l'Arlequin F195-S01

Nabi, petit garçon espiègle et curieux, Mona, pétillante et observatrice, et Rafaël, jeune...

1 minute au musée - 60 oeuvres d'arts à découvrir

Films de l'Arlequin F195-S01-01

Soixante œuvres d'art à découvrir dans cette série impertinente, où les personnages animés ne...

1 minute au musée - Art moderne et contemporain

Films de l'Arlequin F195-S01-02

Cette 2e partie est entièrement dédiée à l'art moderne et contemporain. Découvrez des œuvres...

1 minute au musée - Les arts de l'Islam

Films de l'Arlequin F195-S01-03

Une nouvelle aile entièrement dédiée à l'enchanteur et mystérieux monde de l'art islamique fut...

1 minute au musée - Les arts des peuples du monde

Films de l'Arlequin F195-S01-04

Cette célèbre série, entièrement dédiée aux arts des peuples du monde, nous emmène à...

1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB006

1001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...

1001 Nights, Season 2

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB033

1001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...

16 Hudson Playlist

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB070PL

Welcome to 16 Hudson! In this charming building, on a quiet street, in a big city, you can always...

20 000 lieux sous l’aquarium!: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)

Sardine Productions SAR066FR

Un désastre écologique imminent sème la panique dans la ville quand un pétrolier coule et se...

A Cat’s Whiskers: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON564

Luna and Jupiter’s bingo game is interrupted by a mysterious meowing sound. Following the sound...

À chacun son nid: Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800229

Thème : Respecter le fait que chacun soit mieux dans son milieu de vie.  Julie se fait...

A Circus for Filipa: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM202

When Filipa doesn’t feel like attending a Pancake Party, Hop wrongly imagines it’s because...

A Day at the Beach: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON026

Ping and Pong find bossa nova to be the perfect music style for a day at the beach, as it’s...

A Day in Pixar

Film Ideas FI0111

Spend a day at Pixar Studies and get to know the president of the studio, animators and supervisors...

A Day in the Life: Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI025

As the villagers work hard at their chores, Raven works equally hard avoiding them. After escaping...

A Different Way to Grow: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON667

Luna’s family is visiting their friends’ farm inGermany. When it’s snack time, they are...

A Dog's Paws: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON576

While playing hopscotch with Alice out front, the gang notices Dr Jane’s dog, Snowball, doing...

A Dog's World: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON592

Luna, Jupiter and Clyde wonder how it is that Captain Always knows before anyone else that...

A Gift For Grandma: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR016

Mia wants to help her grandmother go faster by fixing her wheelchair. With help from Marty, they...

A Hula of a Story: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON011

Ping, Pong and Trix work together to replace a broken record for Mr. Prickles, using a ukelele to...

À la recherche de l'oie voyageuse : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...

Epic Story Media ESM157FR

Bruno est triste lorsqu'une oie blessée qu'il a soignée rejoint sa nuée pour s'envoler vers le...

À la rescousse des aventuriers : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...

Epic Story Media ESM187FR

Les Aventuriers promettent d'aider à résoudre trois problèmes différents : nettoyer les...

À la rescousse du lion de mer : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers...

Epic Story Media ESM128FR

Un cri à l'aide mène les aventuriers à un lion de mer coincé sur un rocher. Le trio de...

A Muddy Mess: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM213

Ronny drains Lake Lucky to set up a new Beaver Mud Park, leaving Hop’s houseboat and all the...

A New Friend: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON545

Misho and Robin are playing ball when the ball gets lost in the tree. Squirrel returns the ball and...

A Night at the North Pole: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR097

On a winter's night Manon decides to bring all the farm animals into the house to stay warm...

A Pain in the Tooth: Earth to Luna, Season 4

Monster Entertainment MON634

Luna's family is visiting their friends in India. When Jupiter loses his toothbrush, the trio is...

A Puzzle of a Melody: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON013

Ping and Pong find a treasure map. PING AND FRIENDS, follows Ping and her friends as they find...

A Ride in the Sky: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON602

Watching Grandma flying her plane gets Luna wondering... How do airplanes fly, what’s happening...

A Schoolplay Named Disaster!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2

Sardine Productions SAR059

Admiral Bubbles has perfected his electrified ink process which allows him to control paper and...

A Snail Tale: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON499

Foggy mornings are better spent playing inside, and this particular foggy day Luna, Jupiter, and...

A Song for Snail Mail: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON047

Ping and Pong join together in their quest to find the ideal music for Snail Mail and in doing so...

A Surprise for Mr. Mole: Mia

Sardine Productions SAR028

Mr. Mole offers Mia some modelling clay. Art is a great activity to showcase your imagination and...

À table (nutrition hypercalorique): Globul-x

Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-05

Règle transmise: Avoir une alimentation équilibrée, ni trop grasse, ni trop sucrée. Mécanisme...

A Tale of Tails: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Monster Entertainment MON572

Clyde just loves playing with the cat next door, but when the kitty suddenly startles, she...

A Time to Learn: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0110

Talon and his father are planning an exciting trip to the trapline with mushom (grandfather). Talon...

A Touch Of Garlic - Is Garlic a Home Remedy? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-04-16

Is garlic really a home remedy? Jack tries some garlic in an attempt to ease his cold, but the...

À toute vitesse : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM148FR

C'est la course de boîtes à savon de la vallée des Aigles et les Aventuriers sont prêts à...

A Traffic Mess: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON539

Misho and Robin are hanging out in the yard when three little Owls swoosh by, each riding its own...

Achoo!: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR092

As the seasons change Manon seems to notice she can't stop sneezing when she is around Curlou the...

Adrenalin - What is Adrenalin? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-06-26

A bizarre allergic reaction to a bee sting causes Rocket to inflate like a giant floating...

African Story Time: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON050

When Djembe comes for another visit, he shows them how to tell stories with the Kora, a stringed...

Agis selon ton âge : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM223FR

L’amitié de Penny avec Earl est menacée lorsque Lonny accuse Penny de manquer de maturité...

Alerte cigarette (effets du tabac): Globul-x

Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-12

Règle transmise: La fumée de cigarette sent mauvais certes, mais elle est aussi très...

All Stretched Out: Earth to Luna, Season 4

Monster Entertainment MON630

Luna's family is at a sanctuary in Africa when they see an awesome sight, a herd of zebras...

Alligator: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR155E

Big Bear and Squeak visit a marsh. Big Bear takes photographs of a frog living there and they learn...

Alma's Nightmare: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR071

Manon's friend, cow, has had a really bad nightmare. Observing her friend's fear, she offers to...

Aloha, Luna: Earth to Luna, Season 4

Monster Entertainment MON621

Luna and her family are in Hawaii. Everyone’s excited to learn how to surf, which gets Luna...

Amedeo Modigliani: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0034

Moving to another apartment can be very tiresome; but Dada uses his magic to help the great Italian...

Amedeo Modigliani: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0034FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Amedeo Modigliani: un peintre inspiré par l’art primitif qui leur...

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