Pleiades Productions
136 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 Next » Last »
Health, Home and Heritage (Ep 9): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME19Ironwork is one of the most dangerous and physically demanding jobs in the world, so the health and...
Iaiákhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 6) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME16INRonatiohkowá:nen ne Kanien’kehá:ka Ratirihsta’kehró:non New York City (Kanón:no)...
Invasion of the Beer People
Pleiades Productions MUME06What happens when a giant international brewery uses a small Canadian Inuit village to stage a...
Invasion of the Beer People (French Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME06FRWhen a giant international brewery uses a small Canadian Inuit village to stage a massive promotion...
It Was a Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse
Pleiades Productions MUME03It Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
It Was A Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse (Blackfoot Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME03INIt Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
It Was A Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse (French Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME03FRIt Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
John Squires - Making a Connection (Ep 12): Mohawk Ironworkers...
Pleiades Productions MUME22John Squires has been in the business for over 40 years as a connector, and there are no signs of...
John Squires : un engagement à vie (Ep 12) Les Mohawks...
Pleiades Productions MUME22FRJohn Squires travaille comme connecteur depuis plus de 40 ans et il n’est pas près d’arrêter...
Kaieríhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 4) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME14INRatiká:ratons sénhs tsi kwah raotinekwénhsakon í:wa ne Kanien’kehá:ka karihstà:ke...
Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 1)
Pleiades Productions MUME24Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...
Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 1) French Version
Pleiades Productions MUME24FRKanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...
Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 2)
Pleiades Productions MUME25Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...
Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 2) French Version
Pleiades Productions MUME25FRKanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...
Kanien'kehá:ka: Ratirihsta'kehró:non
Pleiades Productions MUME10INÁhsen iawén:re niiokwén:rare ne KANIEN’KEHÁ:KA RATIRIHSTA’KEHRÓ:NON teioriiá’ks...
Kanien’kéha, A Brighter Future - Mohawk: Finding Our Talk...
Pleiades Productions MUME55Kahnawake and Kanehsata:ke, two Mohawk communities located in Quebec, have been providing Mohawk...
Kayaking: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 9
Pleiades Productions MUME35This episode dives into the competitive sport of Sprint Kayaking. James Lavallee, a Métis from...
Ktunaxa and Technology: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME72Can the ‘wired teepee’ help save the Ktunaxa language in the Kootenays? The hub of the Ktunaxa...
Lacrosse: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 2
Pleiades Productions MUME28The ancient game of Lacrosse has gained popularity throughout the years with more teams and regions...
Language Among the Skywalkers - Mohawk: Finding Our Talk, Season...
Pleiades Productions MUME41This episode will look at how the Mohawk language has survived in the community of Kahnawake...
Language Immersion - Cree: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME42This episode will trace the history of the very successful Cree Language Immersion Program...
Language in the City - Ojibway/Anishinaabe: Finding Our Talk...
Pleiades Productions MUME46Fostering the survival of an aboriginal language is even more difficult outside a native context...
Language of the Caribou People - Gwitchin: Finding Our Talk...
Pleiades Productions MUME59The Gwitch'in people of Old Crow, Yukon, face challenges to their culture and keeping their...
Language of the North - Naskapi: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME58The Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach is located near the Quebec-Labrador border, 15 km northeast...
Le Meilleur monteur-assembleur (Ep 3) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs...
Pleiades Productions MUME13FRLe festival mohawk d’Akwesasne permet à tous les monteurs-assembleurs du continent...
Le World Trade Center et le 11 septembre (Ep 1) Les Mohawks...
Pleiades Productions MUME11FRLe World Trade Center de New York est indissociable de l’histoire des monteurs-assembleurs...
Les Acrobates du ciel des Six Nations (Ep 10) Les Mohawks...
Pleiades Productions MUME20FRLa réserve des Six Nations de Grand River est la réserve des Premières Nations la plus...
Les Frères Hill : une affaire de famille (Ep 7) Les Mohawks...
Pleiades Productions MUME17FRÀ eux trois, les frères Hill – Mike, Gary et Rodney – cumulent plus de 80 ans d’expérience...
Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de légendes
Pleiades Productions MUME10FRMohawk Ironworkers is a 13-part half hour documentary series that celebrates the steely...
Maya: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME76The Mayan people and their languages have survived for more than 5000 years, despite brutal Spanish...
Mi'gmaq: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME70This episode focuses on the work of the Listiguj Education Directorate and 3 generations of...
Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME10Mohawk Ironworkers is a 13-part half hour documentary series that celebrates the steely...
New Zealand Language Nests: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME81From inarticulate grunts to bizarre made-up languages and strange smoke signals, Hollywood had a...
Oieríhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 10) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME20INSix Nations of Grand River thatinákere, né:’e aonhá:’a thononhontsowà:nen tsi ní:kon...
Our Music Is Our Language - Oneida: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME63The Onyota’a:ka Nation people live in the settlement Oneida of the Thames near London, Ontario...
Our Past, Our Language - Secwepemc: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME60A full language immersion program can effectively save a dying language. We visit the Shuswap...
Plains Talk - Saulteaux: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME48This episode follows the work of a virtually self-taught, highly motivated language teacher. Stella...
Radio Novelas
Pleiades Productions MUME07A fascinating television documentary about native broadcasting in Québec and Bolivia; native...
Radio Novelas (French Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME07FRA television documentary about native broadcasting in Québec and Bolivia. Directed by Garry...
Running the Midnight Sun
Pleiades Productions MUME05To their friends they're eccentric, to the Inuit they're bizarre, but they consider themselves just...
Running the Midnight Sun (French Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME05FRTo their friends they're eccentric, to the Inuit they're bizarre, but they consider themselves just...
Running: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 11
Pleiades Productions MUME37The running event called the Mamu Marathon is held every year in the small community of Uashat and...
Salish Canoeing (Ep 6): ᑕᑯᓐᓇᕋᑦᓴᖅ
Pleiades Productions MUME32INᖃᔭᕐᑐᓂᖅ ᓄᐃᑕᔪᖅ West Coast ᓄᓇᖃᕐᖄᓯᒪᔪᐃᑦ...
Salish Canoeing: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 6
Pleiades Productions MUME32Canoeing has been a part of the west coast First Nations People’s cultures throughout the...
Sámi of Norway: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME75The Sámi, the indigenous people of northern Scandinavia, are concerned with preserving their...
Santé, famille et héritage (Ep 9) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...
Pleiades Productions MUME19FRLe métier de monteur-assembleur étant l’un des plus dangereux et des plus exigeants pour le...
Sate’nién:ten Óksa’k Táhsien (Ep 1) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME11INIah nowen:ton tha’onsahoti’nikónhrhen ne Ratinien’keha:ka tsi niiawén:’en ne NYC World...