Pleiades Productions
136 title(s) found.Sa’tekónhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 8) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME18INThe Seaway International Bridge, tsi natetiátere ne Wahstonhronónke tánon ne Koráhne...
Skating: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 13
Pleiades Productions MUME39If you live in the north, then you know that there are a lot of ways to have fun on the ice. A...
Soccer (Ep 8): ᑕᑯᓐᓇᕋᑦᓴᖅ
Pleiades Productions MUME34INCowichan-ᓴᔦᑦ ᐊᒥᓲᓂᕐᐹᑦ ᓄᓇᖃᕐᖄᓯᒪᔪᓂ British Columbia-ᒥ...
Soccer: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 8
Pleiades Productions MUME34The Cowichan Tribes is the largest community in British Columbia and their athletes travel the...
Syllabics: Capturing Language - Cree: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME52In this episode, we will look at the historical development and contemporary applications of...
Tabala Rhythm in the Wind
Pleiades Productions MUME08TABALA sounds the beat of the drums for Quebec's hottest African artists. In this documentary...
Tabala Rhythm in the Wind (French Version)
Pleiades Productions MUME08FRTABALA sounds the beat of the drums for Quebec's hottest African artists. In this documentary...
Tékeni Iawén:re Ieioiénhton (Ep 12) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME22INÍ:si’ nòn:we ne kaié:ri niwáhsen niiohserà:ke sa’tehenhná:kahs ne John Squires tánon iah...
Tekeníhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 2) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME12INSha’tewaré:ni ne NYC Twin Towers, Ratiien’Kakehá:ka Ratirihsta’kehró:non...
The Dreamers - Dane-Zaa: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME67Tradition is sustained orally and through personal contact. The Dane-Zaa people believe that story...
The Healing Power of Words - Dene: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME62Residential schools played a significant role in the destruction of Aboriginal languages in...
The Hill Brothers - Keeping it in the Family (Ep 7): Mohawk...
Pleiades Productions MUME17The Hill Brothers, Mike, Gary and Rodney, have over 80 years of ironworking experience between...
The Power of One - Innu: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME51Florent Vollant is a dynamic Innu singer-songwriter, one-half of the internationally acclaimed...
The Power of Words - Inuktitut: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME44Complementary sides of the language and education equation in Nunavik will be the subject of this...
The Skywalker's of Six Nations (Ep 10): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME20Six Nations of the Grand River is the largest First Nations reserve in Canada, so it is home to a...
The Spirit of Stories - Ojibway: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME57Storytelling is an important way of keeping culture and language alive. Manitoulin Island and...
The Trees Are Talking - Algonquin: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME43This episode, filmed in the Abitibi region of Quebec, introduces us to the community of Lac Simon...
The Ultimate Ironworker (Ep 3): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME13The Akwesasne Ironworkers Festival is a chance for ironworkers across North America to showcase...
The World Trade Center and 9/11 (Ep 1): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME11The NYC World Trade Center is ingrained in Mohawk ironwork history. Mohawks helped build the iconic...
Tiohtónhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 9) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME19INÓnhka ne karihstà:ke rotiió’tens ronaterién:tare tsi né:’e ne aonhà:’a...
Training for Steel (Ep 4): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME14Legend has it that ironwork is in the blood of Mohawks, something that is passed down from...
Tsatáhkhaton Ieioiénhton: (Ep 7) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME17INHill kahwá:tsire rontate’ken’okón:’a Mike, Gary tánon Rodney. Tsi na’tehóntere, ísi’...
Un Pont à ne pas oublier (Ep 8) Les Mohawks: Bâtisseurs de...
Pleiades Productions MUME18FRLe pont international de la voie maritime fait office de frontière entre le Canada et les...
Volleyball: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 5
Pleiades Productions MUME31Volleyball is a sport well recognized by First Nations communities. This episode follows the...
Winter Chill
Pleiades Productions MUME04The Winter Chill is a short drama that follows a young Cree man into the bush where he is...
Wískhaton Ieioiénhton (Ep 5) Kanien'kehá:ka...
Pleiades Productions MUME15INAlbert Stalk, Kahnawa’kehró:non, karíhstatsi wahoió’ten tsi ní:ioht ne roníha. Néktsi...
Women of Steel (Ep 13): Mohawk Ironworkers Series
Pleiades Productions MUME23Female Mohawk ironworkers are shattering stereotypes that the trade is solely a “man’s job.”...
Words From Our Elders - Blackfoot: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME65This episode focuses on the words of the elders and what they can teach to the younger generation...
Words From Our Scholars - Cree: Finding Our Talk, Season 2
Pleiades Productions MUME64Indigenous/Native Studies is a rapidly growing field and it is hoped that all communities, native...
Words in the Air: Finding Our Talk, Season 3
Pleiades Productions MUME78Traditional storytelling finds a new voice on the airwaves, thanks to indigenous broadcasters in...
Words Travel on Air - Attikamekw/Innu: Finding Our Talk, Season 1
Pleiades Productions MUME45This episode takes us to the headquarters of the SOCAM radio network in Wendake, Quebec, and to the...
Wrestling (Ep 10): ᑕᑯᓐᓇᕋᑦᓴᖅ
Pleiades Productions MUME36INᖃᕆᒌᒃ Thomas-ᓗ Philip Barreiro-ᓗ Akwesasne-ᒥᐅᑦ Greco-Roman ᐹᒍᓯᒥᒃ...
Wrestling: First Across the Line Series, Ep. 10
Pleiades Productions MUME36Twin brothers Thomas and Philip Barreiro of Akwesasne are Greco-style wrestlers who are on their...
Pleiades Productions MUME26INFirst Across the Line is a 13-part television documentary series that explores the rich history of...