Echo-echo-echo: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Catalogue Number: MON584
Producer: Monster Entertainment
Producers: Rozzino, Ricardo
Directors: Catunda, Celia
Producing Agencies: TV PinGuim
Subject: Animation, Arts, Nature, Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2, 3 - 5
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Copyright Year: 2015
Running Time: 11:50
When the trio walks through a tunnel at the park, they discover something really neat, inside the tunnel their voices echo! But what is an echo and why does it only work in some places? To find out what’s happening here, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde make believe they’re famous cave explorers and soon discover how sound travels and what makes echoes.
Educational Objective:
Children discover echoes and basics on how sound travels.
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