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"Meegwitch, hi hi !": De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 6
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC06FREn ojibway, "Meegwitch" signifie "Créateur", et "hi hi" signifie "merci". Dans cet épisode, Laura...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE046#NoJoke is a compelling documentary that follows musician Andrew Cole as he puts together a...
1 Minute in a Museum
Films de l'Arlequin A195-S013 kids, discover works of art in this sassy series of 1 minute videos. Rafael, serious and...
10 Colour Schemes You've (probably) Never Heard Of!: Colour...
Winged Canvas WC0038Struggling to pick which colours to use in your art? Have no fear, artist Jessie Chang is here! In...
100 Years of Film Thunder Bay
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV049A montage of films made in Northwestern Ontario since the invention of moving pictures.
1001 Nights, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB0061001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...
1001 Nights, Season 2
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB0331001 Nights created by Big Bad Studios in Vancouver, BC is a wonderful series that brings the...
1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus
1491 Productions Inc. 149100"The Western Hemisphere before 1492... was a thriving, stunningly diverse place, a tumult of...
16 Serie de especiales navideños de Hudson
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB001SPBienvenidos a 16 Hudson. En este encantador edificio, en una calle tranquila, en una gran ciudad...
1960s: Design By Decade (Episode 2)
Blue Ant Media BAM078The 1960s were a time of social revolution and counter culture - across the world. The affluence...
1970s: Design By Decade (Episode 3)
Blue Ant Media BAM079The 1970s were a time of transition and great social change. The tension that grew out of the...
1980s: Design By Decade (Episode 4)
Blue Ant Media BAM080The 1980s was a decade of excess and materialism across the Western world. The flashy era marked an...
1990s: Design By Decade (Episode 5)
Blue Ant Media BAM081The 1990s were bursting with hope and possibility. The 80s saw a stunning increase in the use of...
20 000 lieux sous l’aquarium!: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 2)
Sardine Productions SAR066FRUn désastre écologique imminent sème la panique dans la ville quand un pétrolier coule et se...
2000s: Design By Decade (Episode 6)
Blue Ant Media BAM082It's impossible to think of the first decade of the 2000s without also thinking of the significance...
2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games: RezX TV, Season 1
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ012This episode of RezX is entirely devoted to the 2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games that...
2017 First Nation University Pow Wow: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ0312017 First Nation University Pow Wow (Season 3 - Episode 7): This episode's theme covers the 2017...
2017 Think Indigenous Conference: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ0302017 Think Indigenous Conference (Season 3 - Episode 6): This episode theme covers the 2017...
3D Stereoscopy, Van de Graaff Generator, Temporal Illusion...
Switch SWED1013-D Stereoscopy, Van de Graaff Generator, Temporal Illusion, Overtone Singing, and Rethinker...
4 Digital Shading Tips I Wish I Knew Earlier: Visual Shading...
Winged Canvas WC0067Instructor Jessie shares her top digital shading tips and techniques for blending and rendering...
7 Tips to Shade Like a Pro!: Visual Shading Light and Shadows...
Winged Canvas WC0068Follow along with instructor Jessie as she explains how the colour of the light determines the...
A Bullet Pulling Thread
Ian Daffern IADA01Can quilting change the world? Renowned quilter Marilyn Farquhar was devastated when police killed...
A Cat and the Hats Magic: The Jungle Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE477It is time for a little magic in “The Jungle Room” as the kids put on their own magic show...
A Cat’s Whiskers: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON564Luna and Jupiter’s bingo game is interrupted by a mysterious meowing sound. Following the sound...
A Circus for Filipa: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM202When Filipa doesn’t feel like attending a Pancake Party, Hop wrongly imagines it’s because...
A Day in Pixar
Film Ideas FI0111Spend a day at Pixar Studies and get to know the president of the studio, animators and supervisors...
A Different Way to Grow: Earth to Luna, Season 5
Monster Entertainment MON667Luna’s family is visiting their friends’ farm inGermany. When it’s snack time, they are...
A Dog's Paws: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON576While playing hopscotch with Alice out front, the gang notices Dr Jane’s dog, Snowball, doing...
A Dog's World: Earth to Luna, Season 3
Monster Entertainment MON592Luna, Jupiter and Clyde wonder how it is that Captain Always knows before anyone else that...
A Gift For Grandma: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR016Mia wants to help her grandmother go faster by fixing her wheelchair. With help from Marty, they...
A Good Game Series
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310090In A GOOD GAME, professional coach and former NHLer John Chabot, a native of Kitigan Zibi reserve...
A Great Lakes Romance
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV052Made in 1918, this film is a drama that follows a cruise ship around the Great Lakes.
À la rescousse des aventuriers : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...
Epic Story Media ESM187FRLes Aventuriers promettent d'aider à résoudre trois problèmes différents : nettoyer les...
A Muddy Mess: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM213Ronny drains Lake Lucky to set up a new Beaver Mud Park, leaving Hop’s houseboat and all the...
A Night at the North Pole: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR097On a winter's night Manon decides to bring all the farm animals into the house to stay warm...
A Pain in the Tooth: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON634Luna's family is visiting their friends in India. When Jupiter loses his toothbrush, the trio is...
A Paint Job/Let it Snow: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree Version)
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC008Episode 8A: A Paint Job - Louis tells Randy that Mrs. Charles is working on a sopekahikewin (a...
A Paint Job/Let it Snow: Louis Says Series
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0008Episode 8A: A Paint Job - Louis tells Randy that Mrs. Charles is working on a sopekahikewin (a...
A Quality vs Budget Guitar: Guitar Picks, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM329Keith Glass, founding guitarist for Prairie Oyster, proves that a collection doesn't have to be...
A Ride in the Sky: Earth to Luna, Season 3
Monster Entertainment MON602Watching Grandma flying her plane gets Luna wondering... How do airplanes fly, what’s happening...
A Schoolplay Named Disaster!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 2
Sardine Productions SAR059Admiral Bubbles has perfected his electrified ink process which allows him to control paper and...
A Simpler Way; Crisis as Opportunity
Happen Films HAP000A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in...
A Stolen Sister - Cheyenne Fox: The Wapikoni Indigenous...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0008ENAddresses the collective trauma affecting the First Nations of Canada caused by the missing and...
A Sunday Kind of Love
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE050Adam Loule is a struggling writer on the verge of giving it all up. His books have failed, he’s...
A Surprise for Mr. Mole: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR028Mr. Mole offers Mia some modelling clay. Art is a great activity to showcase your imagination and...
A Tale of Tails: Earth to Luna, Season 2
Monster Entertainment MON572Clyde just loves playing with the cat next door, but when the kitty suddenly startles, she...
A Tale of Two Qallunaat
Sunset Lake Pictures Inc. SLPI00‘A Tale of Two Qallunaat’ (people who are not Inuit) is a documentary about the legacy of two...
A Time to Learn: Wapos Bay, Season 1
HG Distribution HG0110Talon and his father are planning an exciting trip to the trapline with mushom (grandfather). Talon...
À tout hasard
CinéFête F272-S02La série À tout hasard propose une aventure à travers l’art public du Québec, ce...
A Trip to Paris: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP15Khadijah gets a beret from Paris, a place she thinks she’ll never be able to travel to. Everyone...