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Canot Cocasse Saison 2

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Catalogue Number:  800214
Producer:  Manito Amalgamated Inc.
Subject:  Canadian Geography, Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Character Education, Children's Stories, Entertainment, First Nations Studies, French, Indigenous Peoples, Language Arts, Nature, Social Studies
Language:  French
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2017
Running Time:  13 x 25:00

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Imaginez des jeunes qui ont, comme moyen de transport, un canot cocasse, magique et multiforme, capable de les transporter n’importe où, sous n’importe quelles formes et à n’importe quelle époque! C’est à son bord qu’ils vivront de merveilleuses aventures qui les amèneront à réfléchir un peu sur leur vie et leurs défis quotidiens.

Canot cocasse est une série pour les 5 à 7 ans remplies d’humour et d’aventure qui permettra aux jeunes de découvrir les merveilles des sciences naturelles tout en leur offrant des leçons de vie, et un tour de canot cocasse! Les deux premières saisons étaient hybrides, avec une partie tournée en réel et l’autre partie produite en animation.

Rencontrez tante Viola, les intrépides Max et Tibo et leurs amis Julie, Pam et Nico au Camp Manitou, le berceau de plusieurs belles aventures et le point de départ des excursions extraordinaires. Si c’était possible d’aller partout, ou même, de voyager dans le temps, partirez-vous à la découverte de tout ce qui vous intéresse? Au Camp Manitou, tout cela est possible à bord du canot cocasse!

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A funny, magical and multifaceted canoe takes travelers and Camp Manitou campers on extraordinary adventures. Through their travels, our explorers will discover a thousand and one things about the universe and about themselves!

Aunt Viola is the heart and soul of Camp Manitou, the nurturing aunt of three children: Pam, Nico and Julie. A magician and healer, she carries in her all the wisdom of the Franco-Métis people. To help her in her tasks, she can count on the unwavering support of Max and Tibo, two voyageurs who accomplish all sorts of missions everywhere on the map, and also through time! And of course, our adventure would not be complete without the Canot cocasse – a simple canoe made of bark that turns into a magical canoe full of tools and tricks! Each episode takes kids to the Maritimes, the Plains, the great North, the boreal forest, British Columbia and even under the sea! In each adventure, Pam, Nico and Julie connect with their Franco-Métis roots and learn all kinds of cool stuff that touches not only their five senses, but also their emotions, and causes them to question, problem-solve and overcome various challenges.

The aim of the series is to introduce young people everywhere to the culture of francophones in Canada and to share with them the rich history of the Métis voyageurs and their traditions of joie de vivre, love of adventure and respect for others and nature. Finally, each episode will also include educational content in natural sciences.

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