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Living History Series

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Catalogue Number:  WSCH00
Producer:  Warren Schlote
Producers:  Schlote, Warren
Directors:  Schlote, Warren
Producing Agencies:  Warren Schlote
Subject:  Architecture, Arts, Canadian Geography, Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, First Nations Studies, History, Indigenous Peoples, Science, Social Sciences, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2024
Running Time:  140:00

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Living History is a fascinating series of short documentaries exploring some of Ontario’s most unique stories. Each episode takes viewers to locations around Ontario that have ties to both the past and present and can teach us something about today. It’s a fresh look at stories you know and others you may be hearing for the first time.

Produced by Warren Schlote, an award-winning multimedia storyteller.

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