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Home / Keeper of the Treasure: Manon

Keeper of the Treasure: Manon

Maple Leaf This item is only available for Canadian orders.
This title is a part of the series Manon

Catalogue Number:  SAR100
Producer:  Sardine Productions
Subject:  Animation, Arts, Character Education, Children's Stories, Early Childhood Education, Guidance, Health, Music, Nature, Seniors, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2008
Running Time:  7:00

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At the beach, Manon picks up seashells that Bingo the dog hides in his sandcastle as his treasure. However, the seagull is angry saying that the shells are hers and begins to attack Bingo's castle! Knowing that fighting is never the right solution, Manon creates a fun game instead, where Bingo and the seagull participate in a tournament. 

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