The Superstar: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Catalogue Number: MON577
Producer: Monster Entertainment
Producers: Rozzino, Ricardo
Directors: Catunda, Celia
Producing Agencies: TV PinGuim
Subject: Animation, Arts, Nature, Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2, 3 - 5
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Copyright Year: 2015
Running Time: 11:49
It’s a particularly hot sunny day, the sun is shining bright in the sky, which gets Jupiter wondering... What do you call people who are born on the Planet Sun? Planet Sun? Luna’s pretty sure the sun isn’t a planet, but then what is it? Edson’s model of the solar system raises a few more questions and they decide the only way to answer their questions is in another sun-tastic make believe!!
Educational Objective:
Discover that the sun is not a planet but a star.
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