Salt of the Sea: Earth to Luna, Season 2

Catalogue Number: MON566
Producer: Monster Entertainment
Producers: Rozzino, Ricardo
Directors: Catunda, Celia
Producing Agencies: TV PinGuim
Subject: Animation, Arts, Nature, Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2, 3 - 5
Country Of Origin: United Kingdom
Copyright Year: 2015
Running Time: 11:51
After checking out Dr. Jane’s new saltwater fish over at the pet shop, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde start to wonder... why is salt water salty? Could someone have added salt to it? They’ve just gotta find out! It’s time for another exciting make believe in search of answers. They learn that sediments from rocks, and minerals, including salt, wash into rivers and flow to the sea.
Educational Objective:
Discover why the ocean is salty.
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