IF the Poet

Catalogue Number: AAI000
Producer: Amazing Ain't It Entertainment Inc.
Producers: Saltarski, Kim
Directors: Saltarski, Kim
Producing Agencies: Amazing Ain't It Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Arts, Canadian Literature, Canadian Social Issues, Documentary, Guidance, Literature, Social Issues, Social Sciences
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2015
Running Time: 50:05
IF THE POET is the moving, irreverent and inspiring story of Ian French, aka “IF”, beginning with his "terrifying" slam debut at age of 50 and culminating in his obsessed quest to be the oldest person to ever win Canadian Individual Poetry Slam Championship in Vancouver.
It’s a cinematic ride into the wild heart of Canadian Slam where poets have 3 minutes and 10 seconds to seduce, mesmerize and impress a raucous crowd of rhyme junkies, hipsters, Hip Hop heads, and 5 randomly selected judges.
IF’s message of empowerment, transformation and personal expression, at any age, is an inspiration.
Some viewers may find a few terms and words in this film offensive.
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