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Home / Core Concepts in Psychology Series: Psychology Short Cuts Series

Core Concepts in Psychology Series: Psychology Short Cuts Series

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Catalogue Number:  STV007
Producer:  Shortcutstv Ltd
Producing Agencies:  Schortcuts TV
Subject:   Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United Kingdom
Copyright Year:  2015
Running Time:  25:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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These four programs are designed to make some of the core concepts of psychological research more approachable and accessible to students. Each concept is illustrated by real research and its central importance to psychological research made clear. The programs offer revision and exam advice throughout.

Includes the following 4 segments on 1 DVD:

Reliability and Validity (7:14) - Concepts of reliability and validity are central to all forms of science and this film provides an introduction to these concepts in terms of their definitions, types and applications.

Sampling (7:30) - This film uses classic psychological studies (Loftus, Maguire, Baron-Cohen, Zimbardo) to illustrate a range of sampling techniques, issues and problems.

Reductionism (4:45) - Based around the example of obesity, this film outlines the key ideas underpinning reductionist and holistic approaches in the social sciences.

Variables (6:08) - Although the idea of variables can seem dull and uninspiring, they’re important because they’re everywhere in psychology and this film addresses questions of definition, types, reliability, validity and application.

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