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Non-Experimental Research Methods Series: Psychology Short Cuts Series

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Catalogue Number:  STV006
Producer:  Shortcutstv Ltd
Producing Agencies:  Shortcutstv Ltd
Subject:  Health and Medicine, Psychology, Science, Social Sciences
Language:  English
Grade Level:  Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United Kingdom
Copyright Year:  2015
Running Time:  21:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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While a lot of psychological research is done through experiments, for some research questions we need to see how people actually behave in the real world to discover what they are really thinking and feeling. Using a range of classic and contemporary studies, this series illustrates and evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of different types of non-experimental methods used by psychologists to study social behaviour.

Includes the following 4 segments on 1 DVD:

Naturalistic Observation (4:48) - Using examples drawn from contemporary studies (Rosenhan, Hartup, LaFrance and Mayo) this film outlines and examines different types of naturalistic observation.

Correlations (5:28) - Based around the example of media and violence, this film examines the difference between correlation and causation.

Self-Report Methods (6:06) - Based on a real-world example - how to collect data about education - this film illustrates and explains how and why psychologists use self-report methods such as questionnaires and interviews.

Case Studies (5:52) - This film, illustrated by the case of Susan “Genie” Wiley, offers a brief history of case study research and examines the strengths and limitations of the research method.

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