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Home / Caught Between a Sock and a Stinky Place: Playdate Series

Caught Between a Sock and a Stinky Place: Playdate Series

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This title is a part of the series Playdate Series

Catalogue Number:  SSE085
Producer:  Sinking Ship Entertainment
Subject:  Arts, Character Education, Children's Stories, Early Childhood Education, Entertainment, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2015
Running Time:  5:00

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Mac goes on a nighttime mission to make sure Jacob stays covered by his snuggly blanket while he sleeps, dodging Norman the dog and Jacob’s stinky feet on the way. It’s a hard job but if anyone can do it, Mac can!

Playdate follows the adventures of four stuffed animals who come to life when everyone leaves the room.  Once the kids are out of sight, it’s up to Mac and his playdate pals to complete an adventure and get back to their spots before the kids return.

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