ANISHINAABE INAADIZIWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1, Ojibway Version
Catalogue Number: RS0013OJ
Producer: Redcloud Studios
Producing Agencies: Redcloud Studios
Subject: Arts, Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, Family Studies/Home Economics, First Nations Studies, Guidance, Health, History, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples, Social Studies, Sociology
Language: Ojibway
Grade Level: 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2018
Running Time: 22:00
ANISHINAABE INAADIZIWIN - (WAABANDA'IWEWIN 13): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge (Season 1) - Ojibway Version: Sarain and Kris delve into the bigger questions of culture and how it shapes who they are as Indigenous people. They sit down with Cultural Program Manager Michael Etherington at the Native Canadian Centre who shares his thoughts on the practice, representation and education of culture. Off-grid, but online on Wasauksing First Nation, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Rebeka Tabobondung invites Kris and Sarain into her home where she runs the online arts & culture publication Muskrat Magazine. Eddie Robinson talks about medicine bundles and his need to create his own cultural “bubble” in the big city of Toronto.
Filmmaker Bio: Of mixed First Nations and Israeli decent, Jennifer Podemski is an award-winning film and television producer and actor born and raised in Toronto, ON. A storyteller behind and in front of the camera, Jennifer still makes time for training aboriginal youth in film and tv, mentoring and holding self esteem workshops across the US and Canada.