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Home / Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The Green Interview)

Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The Green Interview)

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This title is a part of the series The Green Interview Series

Catalogue Number:  PT0101
Producer:  Paper Tiger
Directors:  Becket, Chris
Producing Agencies:  Paper Tiger and Arcadia Video
Subject:  Canadian Social Issues, Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, Consumer Studies, Criminal Justice & Law, Current Events, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Family Studies/Home Economics, Guidance, Health, Science, Social Issues, Social Sciences, Sociology, Women's Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2019
Running Time:  32:00

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Stella Bowles is an example of how one person—even a young person—can make a very big difference. Stella’s grade 6 science project that tested the fecal bacteria present in the river near her home, eventually led to convincing three levels of government to pledge $15.7 million to help clean it up. In this exclusive Green Interview, Stella talks about her science project, and how it led to the attention, the awards, a book, and ultimately to a commitment to clean up the LaHave River in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. For her work, Stella was named one of Canada’s top 25 environmentalists under 25.


“My generation has a lot of power, especially with social media now, we can with just one simple post create so much talk and hopefully fix our world.” - Stella Bowles

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