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The Great Night of Shiva

Maple Leaf Cet article est seulement disponible pour les commandes canadiennes.

Numéro de catalogue:  PCI004
Producteur:  Peter Campbell
Agences de production:  Gumboot Productions
Sujet:  Arts, Astronomie, Documentaire, Études mondiales canadiennes, Études sociales, Histoire, Histoire mondiale, Musique, Science, Sciences sociales
Langue:  Anglais
Niveau scolaire:  9 - 12, Post-secondaire, Adulte
Pays d'origine:  Canada
Année du droit d’auteur:  2010
Durée:  43:41

Demande de pré-visionnement

‘The Great Night of Shiva’ interweaves footage of devotees worshipping at a Vancouver temple with a traditional Bharata Natyam dance. Of all the world’s religions, Hinduism is the oldest and most complex, with a long calendar of festivals and celebrations. It has been shaped by mythology, music, and meditation, and is a way of life governed by the stars as well as a practical guide to living. Mahashivrati, The Great Night of Shiva, is an annual night-long celebration devoted to the worship of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mystics, yogis, and priests, the galaxies align to form a cosmic pathway of energy on this night. Dancer Kiruthhika Rathanaswami performs with a backdrop of imagery from the Hubble telescope to tell the story of the Hindu deity, Shiva, Lord of the Cosmic Dance.

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