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Home / Du rêve à la réalité : l'œuvre de Sheldon Cohen - DVD

Du rêve à la réalité : l'œuvre de Sheldon Cohen - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB533728
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  Marcy Page, David Verrall
Directors:  Sheldon Cohen
Producing Agencies:  National Film Board of Canada (Montreal), Office national du film du Canada (Montreal)
Subject:  Arts, Canadian Literature, Documentary, Language Arts, Literature, Media and Communications
Language:  French
Grade Level:  Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2005
Running Time:  15:22
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Author Roch Carrier hosts this documentary retrospective of the work of animation director Sheldon Cohen. Carrier offers anecdotes and insight about Cohen's movies, created over the past 30 years at the National Film Board of Canada. Lively animation sequences created by Greg Houston as well as Cohen's illustrations offer lively visual counterpoint. There is emphasis on the art of making animation from children's books as Cohen's films are based on the works of celebrated authors from across Canada including: Roch Carrier's The Sweater; Wilma Riley's Pies; Dayal Kaur Khalsa's Snow Cat (adapted by author Tim Wynne-Jones) and Khalsa's I Want a Dog. Excerpts of these films are included in the documentary.

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