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Home / Un cadeau pour Kate - DVD

Un cadeau pour Kate - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB525990
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  Sam Grana, Robert Fortier, Barrie Howells
Directors:  John N. Smith
Producing Agencies:  National Film Board of Canada (Montreal), Office national du film du Canada (Montreal)
Subject:  Arts, Canadian Social Studies, Early Childhood Education, Family Studies/Home Economics, Fiction, Health and Medicine, Learning Disabilities, Media and Communications, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Studies, Women's Studies
Language:  French
Grade Level:  Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  1986
Running Time:  27:43

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Kate is a recently discharged mental patient who now lives in a run-down halfway house. The weekly visits from her fifteen-year-old son, Arthur, are bright spots in her difficult life. For Arthur, who has trouble dealing with his mother's condition, the visits are difficult. Arthur's embarrassment and confusion lead him to lie to his girlfriend about Kate, with some surprising results when the two women meet.

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