Together: Misho and Robin Series

Catalogue Number: MON546
Producer: Monster Entertainment
Producers: Dragicevic, Miljana
Directors: Zivkovic, Vjekoslav
Subject: Animation, Character Education, Citizenship Education, Early Childhood Education, Guidance, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2
Country Of Origin: Ireland
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 5:15
Misho and Robin decide to play with building blocks. They each have some blocks and both decide to build a castle. Robin is off to a good start, and Misho soon realizes he won’t have enough blocks. He takes some from Robin and continues to build. Robin discovers Misho has taken his blocks and confronts him. When they become aware neither of them has enough blocks, Robin proposes they build the castle together. They have just enough blocks for a beautiful big castle.
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