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Tiny Square Critters Series One

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Catalogue Number:  MON106
Producer:  Monster Entertainment
Subject:  Arts, Children's Stories, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Ireland
Copyright Year:  2012
Running Time:  26 x 7:00

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Set in the forest, Tiny Square Critters tells stories from the target audience’s own world, e.g. The first day in kindergarten, Where is my mum?, I can’t sleep. The critters are all square shaped animal children, and each episode starts and ends with a lesson in how to draw the animals, encouraging children to join in the story and make up adventures of their own. The square design is easy, even for small children to copy.

Series Titles
Product No.Title
MON053Earnest Elk Looks for his Mum: Tiny Square Critters
MON054Mille Musk Ox is Sad: Tiny Square Critters
MON055Emma Eagle Learns How to Fly: Tiny Square Critters
MON056Marvin Midge Tries to Find Food: Tiny Square Critters
MON057Olrik the Owl Tries to Stay Awake: Tiny Square Critters
MON058Buller Bear Hunts: Tiny Square Critters
MON059Inga Polar Bear Plays with Her Mom: Tiny Square Critters
MON060Isa Wolf is Alone: Tiny Square Critters
MON061Karma Rabbit Draws a Painting: Tiny Square Critters
MON062Willy Wild Boar Looks for Nuts: Tiny Square Critters
MON063Lulu Lynx Plays with her Friends: Tiny Square Critters
MON064Bennie Beaver Looks for Food and Wood: Tiny Square Critters
MON065Helga Heron is Bored: Tiny Square Critters
MON066Simon Woodpecker Practices Drilling Trees: Tiny Square Critters
MON067Orla Trout Travels to the Sea: Tiny Square Critters
MON068Henry Stickleback Learns to Share: Tiny Square Critters
MON069Freddie Frog wants to Sing: Tiny Square Critters
MON070Eddie Otter Wants to Go Swimming: Tiny Square Critters
MON071Stine Oystercatcher Builds a Playhouse: Tiny Square Critters
MON072William Red Robin at the Bird Feeder: Tiny Square Critters
MON073Ea Squirrel Tells Tall Tales: Tiny Square Critters
MON074Fido Pheasant Wants to be Tall: Tiny Square Critters
MON075Razmus Fox Builds a Room: Tiny Square Critters
MON076Holger Hare Wants to be the Fastest: Tiny Square Critters
MON077George Badger Travels with his Friends: Tiny Square Critters
MON078Lena Lemming Finds her Mother a Present: Tiny Square Critters

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