The Missing: W5
Catalogue Number: CTV746
Producer: CTV
Producing Agencies: CTV
Subject: Canadian Social Issues, Criminal Justice & Law, Current Events, Documentary, Psychology, Social Issues
Language: English
Grade Level: Post Secondary, Adult, Educators
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2018
Running Time: 23:00
Closed Captions: Yes
June 2017. The disappearance of one man, Andrew Kinsman, in a city of millions, triggered a series of events that ultimately unraveled a years-long mystery. It also set the stage for what is potentially Toronto’s largest ever crime scene. W5's Avery Haines speaks to the friends and families of men connected to Canada's largest gay neighbourhood who disappeared without a trace. When three immigrant men mysteriously disappeared from Toronto’s gay village in the years leading up to 2012, police suspected a problem, and set up Project Houston; while this yielded no results, rumours of a serial killer persisted.
January 2018. Toronto police finally gave voice to what had been whispered about for years, that the Village safe haven was actually a serial killer's hunting ground. Bruce McArthur, a man well known within the gay community has been charged in relation to five deaths, including men who’d quietly gone missing but hadn’t been connected to either task force. Horrendous horrors have been uncovered since Bruce McArthur's arrest.
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