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Home / Creatorland, Volume 1

Creatorland, Volume 1

Catalogue Number:  CLI001
Producer:  Creatorland Inc.
Producers:  Muse, Zainab
Directors:  Muse, Zainab
Producing Agencies:  Creatorland Inc.
Subject:  Arts, Business Studies, Citizenship Education, Documentary, Family Studies/Home Economics, Media and Communications, Music, Science, Social Sciences, Tech/Voc, Women's Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2018
Running Time:  43:46

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Follow the extraordinary lives of culturally-diverse creators, inventors and entrepreneurs and find out what it takes to become one. The film asks:

  • What are the driving factors behind why they do what they do
  • What is the unfiltered truth about challenges faced
  • What is the impact these entrepreneurs hope to leave behind



  • Filmmaker and journalist, Nickie Shobeiry
  • Fashion designer and owner of KANIA, Stacey Bafi-Yeboa
  • Jacqui Du Toit, storyteller, actress and co-founder of Origin Arts and Community Centre
  • Dancer and social media influencer, Tiago Garcia
  • Liz Mok, owner of Moo Shu Ice Cream
  • Founders of tech company Wandure, Ali Kazal, Luis Anacona and Ismail Benmbarek


About the filmmaker:

Zainab Muse is a Nigerian-Canadian producer, director and writer. She has directed and produced feature-length and series formats, along with music videos, short films and documentaries for Canadian broadcasters. She owns CREATORLAND, an independent production company with a mission to produce stories that advance and amplify the narratives of unheard voices and underserved people.

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