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Home / Verona: City of Love: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

Verona: City of Love: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series

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This title is a part of the series David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series, Season 7

Catalogue Number:  BAM1211
Producer:  Blue Ant Media
Producing Agencies:  Rockhead Entertainment and DRDV#7 Inc.
Subject:  Architecture, Arts, Documentary, Entertainment, Family Studies/Home Economics, Geography, Global Studies, History, Travel, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2019
Running Time:  22:00

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David travels to beautiful Verona, a town known for food, wine and love. It was the setting of Shakespeare’s most famous romance, Romeo and Juliet, and a city of people known to open their hearts to strangers. After a day spent eating and exploring the age-old streets, David sits down with the volunteers of the Juliet Club, who personally respond to 10,000 love letters addressed to Shakespeare’s tragic heroine annually. David also visits the famous arena where a local tenor sings and shows him around to end it all with a toast to the world famous local Amarone wine.

David returns to his beloved Italy, but this time to experience cities he’s never been to. The northern cities of Milan, Verona, Venice, Cinque Terre, Bologna and Italia’s capital Roma act as main characters in this series. Join David as he explores these famous locations in ways that have never been seen before, where the people and their stories run parallel to the art, history, music and food of these great cities. This series captures the way the Italians celebrate life and live their very own Dolce Vita: with good food, humour, passion and spontaneity.

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