Gay? Queer? Two-Spirited?... Human Being: Urban Native Girl

Catalogue Number: AS0115
Producer: Animiki See Distribution Inc.
Producing Agencies: Wabunganung Film Company Ltd.
Subject: Arts, Canadian Social Issues, Diversity, Documentary, Family Studies/Home Economics, First Nations Studies, Gender Studies, Guidance, Health, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples, Music, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Sciences
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 22:02
Lisa sends Métis writer Cole Alvis into Toronto’s two-spirit community to explore the space between sexuality and gender. This episode features interviews with Niigaan Sinclair, Theo Ross, Cris Derksen, Dr. Evan Adams, and a roundtable discussion with EJ Kwandibens, Warren Greene, Nicole Tanguay and Alexus Young. With special musical performance by Cris Derksen.
Urban Native Girl is an inspirational documentary series about Aboriginal fashonista Lisa Charleyboy as she follows her dream to transform her popular beauty blog into a glossy print magazine. Along the way we meet Lisa's mentors and friends.
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