Home / Leopard: Big Bear and Squeak Series
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This title is a part of the series Big Bear and Squeak Series
Catalogue Number: AR106E
Producer: Arcadia Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Animation, Children's Stories, Early Childhood Education, Entertainment, Language Arts, Nature
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 5:00
Leopard: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Catalogue Number: AR106E
Producer: Arcadia Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Animation, Children's Stories, Early Childhood Education, Entertainment, Language Arts, Nature
Language: English
Grade Level: PreK - 2
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 5:00
Big Bear and Squeak take a break during a game of tag in the yard to discover a leopard in the pages of the Amazing Animal Book.
Big Bear and Squeak! is an interactive and playful puzzle-based series for young children and reflects their interest in playing guessing games and going to the zoo.
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