Human or Robot?
Catalogue Number: A269-001
Producer: Illégitime Défense
Producers: Illégitime Défense
Producing Agencies: ARTE G.E.I.E et Illégitime Défense
Subject: Arts, Documentary, Global Studies, Science, Social Sciences, Tech/Voc
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: France
Copyright Year: 2014
Running Time: 51:58
Human history is at a turning point. Our future is now being played out. The distance between humans and machines has never been so close; in fact, doubts are being cast as to what defines being human.
We are on the verge of a humanoid revolution. Could robots make us immortal? New robots with human faces are ever more efficient; they walk, see, hear and speak. They look more and more like us and are nearly ready to enter our homes and lives. In ten years, predict the roboticists, androids will be part of our daily lives just as personal computers are now. What about us? Are we ready to welcome them?
Max Aguilera-Hellweg, a photographer, physician, artist and scientist, travels the world to tell us about it. From Vermont to Japan, from New York to Osaka, he is a unique, front-line witness bringing us to cutting-edge robotic research centres. Human or Robot? is an account of this scientific and artistic quest.
Also available in French: Au coeur des robots
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