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Home / Flirting or Hurting? When Is It Okay, When Is It Harassment?

Flirting or Hurting? When Is It Okay, When Is It Harassment?

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Catalogue Number:  600546
Producer:  Human Relations Media
Subject:  Guidance
Language:  English
Grade Level:  6 - 8, 9 - 12
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2010
Running Time:  20:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Even for adults, it can be challenging to figure out what actions and words constitute flirting and what behaviors cross the boundaries into sexual harassment. For middle schoolers, who are just making their entry into a more complex social world, these distinctions are often beyond their grasp. This program uses a blend of realistic dramatic scenarios, on-screen narrators and a round table discussion featuring real students to show young viewers the difference between real flirting (welcome, wanted, respectful and fun) and hurting (unwelcome, unwanted, one-sided, makes you feel bad). Viewers learn what it means to cross the line—whether in person, through texting or on-line—and are reminded of the serious consequences for both the target and the harasser. Helpful "flirting" tips are offered by an expert as well as advice on how to react to behaviors that are not appropriate or welcome.

Includes Resource Guide.

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